Sunday, 7 January 2007

Listening creates brain power

One step to the left,
One step to the right,

A lift of the chin,
A lift at the lips,
A spin to the left,
A spin to the right.

A look in the mirror,
A single figure,
With graceful leaping,
With perfect turnings.

Another figure,
With powerful actions,
Take heavy quicksteps,
Turn precise turnings.

Slow start and hold,
And then a quick push,
To facilitate sharp turns
To convey strong feelings.

Varying styles,
And personalities,
Fuse together,
And explode on contact.

But a sudden
Hard contact on floor,
Stop the turns,
Stop the leaps.

Hands assist,
And pain forgot,
Two figures again,
Stand up tall.

Frequent crashes,
Frequent pushes,
Interrupt rhythm,
Interrupt song.

But steps to the left,
Steps to the right,
A look to the right,
A look to the left,

Give the same
Lift of the chin,
Give the same
Lift at the lips.

As time pass by,
And patterns are noted,
As habits are learnt
And understanding taught,

The figures learn
A new complement, of

What?: Omg. Is that even my style of writing? I did try to write something slightly different to emphasise something... but some parts seem somewhat like someone else's style. I hope not, though...... Some parts just sounded extremely strange and 'urgh' to me. But ah well. Never mind. I'm rather satisfied with it =^^= There. My first poem that's not exactly sad and stressful. =) [Of all the times I have words that flow... It _always_ comes when I'm stressed or when I'm hard-pressed for time -___-"]

Listening, and arguing: Taken from an article:
To break the bad habit of arguing, ask for peoples opinions, and listen without
saying anything. Ask them to clarify, but don't offer even one contrary idea. If
you do this enough, you'll be surprised by how much you learn. Some of us
habitual debaters are also surprised by how difficult this simple technique can
be, but it works.

Hmm... Not that difficult for me, I think- =) Unless I'm being insulted in the process... And yea, I guess I do learn a lot. ^^ But hmm... This does sound rather familiar... Have I blogged about something similar before..? Can't remember.

Signing off... ...
Surprisingly cheerful, back to work.

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