Tuesday, 30 January 2007

Climate changes

Quick entry.

Cimate Change: Glaciers have shrunk and melted over the last who-knows-how many years... but it's getting worse now...

Three photographs, taken in 1912, 1968 and 2003, show how a glacier at Vernagtferner in Austria has shrunk. It lost over half a metre in thickness during 2005.

"But it is not the past that worries us, tremendously is the future. With the scenarios predicted, we will enter conditions which we have not seen in the past 10,000 years, and perhaps conditions which mankind has never experienced."

Which makes me wonder, it's no longer 'none of our business', as thought by most people, isn't it..? Shouldn't we be doing _something_ to help our Earth? The efforts of those who care at the moment will never be enough to stop whatever is happening.

Makes me feel really really sad though... That half the world doesn't care what the Earth becomes. Really do want to do something about this...

Climate change simulation thingy: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/shared/spl/hi/sci_nat/04/climate_change/html/climate.stm

Signing off... ...
Back to work

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