Saturday, 27 January 2007

Untitled Poem, sudden inspiration of desperation

A light shines bright, in a distance, and
Feet start to move, aimlessly towards it
Out of the endless dark.

Footsteps heavy,
The sound of dragging feet,
Resound through the silence,
the otherwise noiseless vacuum.

The light nears, and
Footsteps quicken,
Desperate, and

Eager body
Hit against seemingly non-existent wall,
of the Strong tornado
Standing guard.

Some energy drains, and
A piece of soul
Rips from the body, that now lay
A metre away.

Feet regain their balance,
And continue
Their shaky steps
Towards hope.

Body and resistance
Clash once more,
Familiar pain, mixed with

Drops of liquid
Marring the perfect marble landing, and
Leaving its irrevocable stains.

Piece by piece of soul,
Tear from the lifeless body,
Leaving, after futile efforts,
a souless, lifeless doll.

A/N: Okay, don't ask me what I'm writing. I don't know. The words came after all, it seems. ^^; Ah well. Okay, I ain't kidding myself and saying this is a poem. My poems have been nothing much but story telling. Got lots to learn.

Okay... MUST STUDY!!!! ARGH!!! @#%@#$%#^

Signing off... ...
Desperate for focus.

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