Tuesday, 30 January 2007

Climate changes

Quick entry.

Cimate Change: Glaciers have shrunk and melted over the last who-knows-how many years... but it's getting worse now...

Three photographs, taken in 1912, 1968 and 2003, show how a glacier at Vernagtferner in Austria has shrunk. It lost over half a metre in thickness during 2005.

"But it is not the past that worries us, tremendously is the future. With the scenarios predicted, we will enter conditions which we have not seen in the past 10,000 years, and perhaps conditions which mankind has never experienced."

Which makes me wonder, it's no longer 'none of our business', as thought by most people, isn't it..? Shouldn't we be doing _something_ to help our Earth? The efforts of those who care at the moment will never be enough to stop whatever is happening.

Makes me feel really really sad though... That half the world doesn't care what the Earth becomes. Really do want to do something about this...

Climate change simulation thingy: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/shared/spl/hi/sci_nat/04/climate_change/html/climate.stm

Signing off... ...
Back to work

Sunday, 28 January 2007

The Rainbow

The Rainbow

The still night air
Beyond normal temperatures,
Causing hair to stand,
Causing bodies to shiver.

From blue,
To indigo,
To violet,
To black
With a light sheen of white.

Stars that once shone,
The moon that had brightened the
Night sky, now
Behind sheets of thick, dark, wool

Without the knowledge
Of the people,
Darkening the calm dark, and
The cool air.

The night deepens,
And the air
Chill, ever the more,
Ever the more

The drums beat,
Silently, then
Disturbing but only
Few occupants.

Droplets of tears,
Of blood,
Of sweat,
Fall, and
Beat, against the ground

To be absorbed
By the earth.

Hours pass
The beating of drums
Ever louder than before

Along with the
Pitter-patter of droplets
Against grass,
Against soil

The earth,
The grass,
Green to Brown.

The darkness part, after hours,
With no moon,
With no stars, leaving
But the cool, still air.

Of red,
Of orange,
Of yellow,
As rays penetrate, through the
Thickness of the night before.

Separating, the pure
White of the morning,
Against the
Green of the earth.

But the crystal
Of the rumbles
Of the night.

A/N: =) Another rather uplifting poem, I guess..? Waddya think..? Title gives everything away... but ah well.

Signing off... ...

Saturday, 27 January 2007

Untitled Poem, sudden inspiration of desperation

A light shines bright, in a distance, and
Feet start to move, aimlessly towards it
Out of the endless dark.

Footsteps heavy,
The sound of dragging feet,
Resound through the silence,
the otherwise noiseless vacuum.

The light nears, and
Footsteps quicken,
Desperate, and

Eager body
Hit against seemingly non-existent wall,
of the Strong tornado
Standing guard.

Some energy drains, and
A piece of soul
Rips from the body, that now lay
A metre away.

Feet regain their balance,
And continue
Their shaky steps
Towards hope.

Body and resistance
Clash once more,
Familiar pain, mixed with

Drops of liquid
Marring the perfect marble landing, and
Leaving its irrevocable stains.

Piece by piece of soul,
Tear from the lifeless body,
Leaving, after futile efforts,
a souless, lifeless doll.

A/N: Okay, don't ask me what I'm writing. I don't know. The words came after all, it seems. ^^; Ah well. Okay, I ain't kidding myself and saying this is a poem. My poems have been nothing much but story telling. Got lots to learn.

Okay... MUST STUDY!!!! ARGH!!! @#%@#$%#^

Signing off... ...
Desperate for focus.

Next obstacle ahead... [Updates] and thank-yous

Assignments: Okay... Assignments are over... Screwed up a load of them... But well. The good thing is that it's over. And none of them scream "I've got a bug!" so I guess that's good. ^^; Thanks a mil to Chris who put up with all my hot-headedness and stuff... And yeah... Well. IT'S OVER =D

Exams: Okay, well. One obstacle over, another nears... My end-of-module exams... Really, judging from how I've been screwing everything else up I really should start studying... Especially since I've not been listening to SOO many lectures and how I've screwed up some projects... It's my only way out... But... *sigh* I JUST CAN'T START *pulls hair out* I've GOT to snap out of this sometime soon.

Someone slap me.

After-exam plans: Okay, well. I'm finally going for one of those personal development programmes this year... Not with friends... but ah well.. Perhaps another time.. Anywayz, am going for SALSA! YESH! OMG I'LL GET TO LEARN DANCE AGAIN!! =D=D Okay, so I heard it's extremely basic and simple and stuff... But WHO CARES! Yay. =D

Guitar Ensemble: Heheh, went to watch my brother perform at the LT at NUS- =) Heheh, was SUPER DUPER NICE! =D =D >_< It's really different hearing the entire ensemble play... (Although I have been to 2 or 3 of those before) Loved a LOAD of pieces =D Hope I can catch another one of those next time... =^^= Really liked a load of things there... The next time I catch my brother practicing I'm gonna request a song... ;)

Problems: Ah well. As usual. Shan't blog about them, though. Had just about enough of it.

Dance poetry: THANKS to all those who commented about my dance poem thing... ^_^ Never ever received so many comments about any of my poems before- ^^; And compliments. Hmmz. ^_^ Heh I like it too =D *coughs* whoops. ^^; Hey I'm not being egoistic- But I really do like it... Though it's not perfect- >_<

Temporarily lost my ability to churn poems out though... The idea's there, but the words won't come -__-" Sigh.

Signing off... ...

Tuesday, 9 January 2007

Generally pissed, and the Beauty of Poetry

Okay, full blown bashing ranting post up again, so BEWARE. I'm not in a good mood. No offence intended.

If you have no wish to see bashing posts, please do skip this entry. Thank you. Much appreciated.

Stupid people: Okay, my classmates and I just can't STAND that stupid irritating class that comes in after one of our lab lessons. They flood in as soon as our teacher steps out and stand right next to our seats and giving us pressure. Today I wanted to walk out from the right, behind Michelle, as we were leaving our seats but the STUPID darn guy waiting for her seat just pulled open the chair and sat there straight after she walked past him without giving me any space to walk past, when I was BLOODY WAITING THERE FOR HIM TO MOVE! After staring at him for like a couple of seconds, I figured that he hadn't much of a brain, backtracked, and walked the other way out.

Thank goodness the guy waiting for my seat had the common sense to get out of the way.

To Kill A Mockingbird: Saw this movie a couple 'weeks back... Don't know if I mentioned it... There's this guy (called Edison I think?) who's this upright lawyer... who tries to defend a black man, called Tom Robinson (Was it?) who was accused of a crime he did not commit... Twas about discrimination and stuff... The man died anyway. Got me crying at the bloody immaturity and unfairness of it all.

But that wasn't the point. Let's take a look at Edison. He remained true to his principles and values, unlike those other cowardly idiots, and took on the case in the name of justice. Despite the talk from the others around town. Now _that_ is called strong character.

Find the rest of them just irritating... Not doing things because of a load of reasons (most of which are just bull) and for convenience's sake. What of all those people who suffer as a result? No, of course they don't care. As long as they don't have to lift their arse to do anything else that requires more work. Just because it's what the rest do. What about your own trend of thought?? What about your principles?? What about using that BRAIN that resides in that skull of yours?! What of that heart that is supposed to feel?? Cut it up and ate it for lunch cause you were too lazy to grow your own food or to go down to the supermarket to get some, I suppose. Bloody selfish good-for-nothings.

But the movie was good.

Work: Okay. I've wanted to kill distractions so that I could do my work, but it's proving to be much harder than it used to be. Used to just 'appear offline' so tht I could take note of any incoming mail that may be important, while at the same time NOT chatting and getting distracted. Bloody irritating myself out. Seems like the only time I can work now is in the middle of the night. Perhaps I should just change my body clock. It may prove to be much more efficient and effective, especially during assignment chionging period and through studying. Can't help getting pissed off. So much for getting let off at 2 today. It's past 12.30am and I haven't touched a single bloody thing.

Pissed: This is absolutely terrible. Had no idea how many times I had to tell myself 'calm down' or had to re-type my sentences, mainly those with 'bloody' or 'i wouldnt have given a damn' in it. Had to bite my tongue from retorting several times too.

-------- End of bashing rant --------

Poetry: Everyone has their own style. Writing a poem is the same as that of writing your own story. There are no set ground rules for you to follow, but for your flow of thoughts. The depth of the words, choice of words, length of the poems, are solely up to you.

The flow of words, the deliberate breaks or lack thereof, the slight choppiness, the consistency and lack thereof... Every single little exquisite detail tells you something. Reveals, emphasises or backs something up. Reveals part and parcel of the whole story or message the poet wants to tell.

If a poet chooses to write something in some way, there may be a special reason to it. It is up to you to figure it out, should you wish to.

The beauty of poetry.

Of course, mine is still a far cry from that. But I'm working on it.

Signing off... ...
Hate being defined by the actions of others.

Sunday, 7 January 2007

Listening creates brain power

One step to the left,
One step to the right,

A lift of the chin,
A lift at the lips,
A spin to the left,
A spin to the right.

A look in the mirror,
A single figure,
With graceful leaping,
With perfect turnings.

Another figure,
With powerful actions,
Take heavy quicksteps,
Turn precise turnings.

Slow start and hold,
And then a quick push,
To facilitate sharp turns
To convey strong feelings.

Varying styles,
And personalities,
Fuse together,
And explode on contact.

But a sudden
Hard contact on floor,
Stop the turns,
Stop the leaps.

Hands assist,
And pain forgot,
Two figures again,
Stand up tall.

Frequent crashes,
Frequent pushes,
Interrupt rhythm,
Interrupt song.

But steps to the left,
Steps to the right,
A look to the right,
A look to the left,

Give the same
Lift of the chin,
Give the same
Lift at the lips.

As time pass by,
And patterns are noted,
As habits are learnt
And understanding taught,

The figures learn
A new complement, of

What?: Omg. Is that even my style of writing? I did try to write something slightly different to emphasise something... but some parts seem somewhat like someone else's style. I hope not, though...... Some parts just sounded extremely strange and 'urgh' to me. But ah well. Never mind. I'm rather satisfied with it =^^= There. My first poem that's not exactly sad and stressful. =) [Of all the times I have words that flow... It _always_ comes when I'm stressed or when I'm hard-pressed for time -___-"]

Listening, and arguing: Taken from an article:
To break the bad habit of arguing, ask for peoples opinions, and listen without
saying anything. Ask them to clarify, but don't offer even one contrary idea. If
you do this enough, you'll be surprised by how much you learn. Some of us
habitual debaters are also surprised by how difficult this simple technique can
be, but it works.

Hmm... Not that difficult for me, I think- =) Unless I'm being insulted in the process... And yea, I guess I do learn a lot. ^^ But hmm... This does sound rather familiar... Have I blogged about something similar before..? Can't remember.

Signing off... ...
Surprisingly cheerful, back to work.

Saturday, 6 January 2007

High-tide, from 27/11/05

She lies
tied up and bound,
Open, Vulnerable,
against the sand.

The tide comes in,
the sound of water crashing against the shore,
ringing in her ears,
Each much louder than the one before.

The water level steadily rises,
crashing against her body relentlessly.
She panics.

She struggles against her bonds,
as the tide comes in still faster,
covering her legs.

and higher.

It reaches for her face,
it's waves beating against her,
leaving her spluttering,
and helpless.

The water level continues to rise,
ignoring her cries of protest,
suffocating her.

Drowning her.

Signing off......
Come what may, I am here for you to deal as you wish

Friday, 5 January 2007

Test: You are the Loyalist

You Are the Loyalist


You have strong relationships and are intensely loyal.

People find you easy to love and care for.

You like your world to be stable and secure, no surprises.

You're cautious. You prefer your inner circle to the outside world.

Whee-- Just some test thingy i took~ ^^ Like... in Nov 05 ^^;; Saw it as a draft in my list of posts and decided to post it anyway ^_^

Signing off... ...