Thursday, 22 December 2005
Clearing things up,
Clearing things up: To annony, I forgot to add-- There's a difference between 'untactful' and 'joking'. I'm sure you can tell them apart-- Thanks for understanding, in advance. That aside.......
Busy busy: Sighz, so much homework, asignments, projects, meetings and other stuff these two weeks-- So much for e-learning week. Too much stuff, and server jam. Ah well. ^^;; Ended up going back to school everyday for the past few days, and had activities yesterday from 9am to 10pm yesterday... Was dead beat-- But the volunteer work part was fun~ Had lots and LOTS of fun during that 5 hours with Jonathan and Shawn. And I made a new friend with this guy called Vivek~ ^^
Wishing Tree Launch: Yep, that was the volunteer work thingy~ There were like santa clauses (?), cute reindeers and an elf running around~ Darn cute!!! The santa clauses were like carrying sacks and giving out presents to kids and everything-- ^^ And then there was the performance, where we could slack and watch the show~ GOSH THE PERFORMERS WERE GOOD!! =^^= Got quite crappy and hyper and jumpy~ Heheh, had lots of fun~ Shawn taught Vivek to suck in helium and talk in that high-pitched voice, and made me laugh non-stop. Hadn't felt so relaxed and happy in some time~ =D
Short fuse? Or no?: Recently I've been wondering if I've been getting an extremely short fuse... Thought and thought about it, but I realised that I'm only so to a minority who are out irritate me all the time-- Only realised that today when I realised how much fun I had yesterday, even though I met so many people. Realised the reason too. I'm still struggling to learn how to deal with people who (constantly) step over the line. I never knew anyone who did that in the past, so it's still rather foreign to me. Much to learn I guess ^^;;
Christmas!: Yesh Christmas is coming!! The only bad thing is that I may very well only be doing some of my Christmas shopping after Christmas =S That is. Well. Not good. =( Ah well. But never mind, I'll figure something out~ =) CHRISTMAS TIME~ ^^ Heehee~
CF: ComicFiesta was like... last week. Couldn't go _again_. Sigh. In my entire cosplay career, not once have I gone for ComicFiesta. Missing out on a lot. Ah well. Next time, perhaps, maybe I'll be able to~ ^^ Welcome back Skye!! ^^
Malaysia trips: I'll be going to Malaysia with my family sometime next week if I'm not wrong ^^ Hope to have lotsa fun then~ But the downside would be that I'll be trudging my textbooks along to study for my Mid-Semester Tests-- Ah well.
Signing off... ...
Tuesday, 13 December 2005
The taste of regret is really really bitter, and it's been weighing my heart down since Saturday... At least I learned one thing-- I will never repeat my mistake again... My poor Yukino.......
Signing off......
Sunday, 11 December 2005
AsuCaga photoshoot
AsuCaga photoshoot: Today I went for Skye and Kazeki's Athrun and Cagalli photoshoot~ Made new friends with Kazeki and Aiko~ ^^ Great people~ The photoshoot was really fun, but we did a heck lot of walking around Sentosa-- Couldn't get many good shots... =( But well. It was fun ^^ Aiko, David, Auel and I were the photographers, and Senti was the bag-carrier ^^;; Heheh...
Dinner: Then we came back to the mainland to eat dinner at Yoshinoya... Then we went to Taka to get Kazeki and Aiko their paint before they return to Malaysia tomorrow... Then guess what? Art Friends was CLOSED! Ah well... Then we headed down to Somerset and visited Inu at AA. I finally know where AA is!! ^^;;; Heehee...
Return home: Okay, my mum wasn't that mad at me for coming back late... Cause I had the sense this time to sms her and then call her when I was at Somerset-- ^^; But when I came home, I got darn pissed off.
Idiot: Okay, some IDIOT in my class kept insulting cosplay and kept complaining about how BORING yesterday's event was. And how he said he wasted 24 bucks cause he paid for his friend too. I scolded him off and told him not to insult cosplay in front of me, but he had the bloody guts to tell me no and that he WANTS to insult it in front of me. LIKE WHAT THE FREAK!!! IF YOU HAVE NO BLOODY INTEREST IN COSPLAY OR ANIME OR MANGA YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE GONE IN THE FIRST PLACE!! I DIDN'T ASK YOU TO SO THERE'S ABSOLUTELY NO REASON FOR YOU TO BLAME ME!!
You know what he's doing? It's like... picture this. A japanese food hater goes to a Japanese restaurant, pays quite a bit for the food, _eats_ the food, leaves the place, and goes to a Japanese food lover and starts flaming the restaurant, even though the food was good. Like DUH!! If you're going to act stupid and BE stupid, I have EVERY RIGHT to call you STUPID. And if you're going to be childish, untactful, rude and stupid all at once, I have the right to ignore you too. So bloody SHUT UP!!
Phew: Okay, I feel so much better. If that person sees this, he'll know I'm referring to him. Okay, that's it about my day~ Ranting post, I know ^^
Signing off...
Some piccys for EOY
Aww~ Heheh... Kira and Cagalli~ Don't they look cute together? And that's Lynette in the background!!
Lynette as Misa from Deathnote~~ Front View ;)
Hm, the pic speaks for itself: Amanda ^^;
Ichigo trying to chop Kon's nose off-
The Ritsuka that took me pretty long to remember ^^;;
Got a weee bit of fanservice from Fuji and Tezuka. Had great timing-- Was there when their team members forced them to fanservice for us ;) Except... err, the glasses are on the wrong person? ^^;; But still sweet~!!
*coughs* Well. This was... hm. ^^;;; At least they got second for pair ;)
Saturday, 10 December 2005
EOY 2005
Thanks: Very importantly, I want to thank a few people for helping me out so much-- Firstly, SKYE!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR HELPING ME DRAW IT LOOKED FABULOUS!! And also for the candy cane~ Heehee ;) Next would be... Amanda and Ang and Lynette and Mandy~ For helping me with the makeup and my costume before the thing-- Then... Clarence-- For helping my buy the Lily at the very last minute-- Yepz-- ^_^ Love you guys loads~
Event: Yesh, well... I was one-third trying to stay with Clarence, one-third trying to stay with my friends, and one-third being myself and snapping and going crazy and fangirling. ^^ It was.. well. To tell you the truth, not as fun as I thought. Not that it wasn't fun, it just... lacked something. Maybe it was because I wasn't with Skye most of the time, or maybe it was because I didn't hang out with the bunch of cosplayers I knew, or maybe it was because I didn't make any new friends-- I dunno...
Next time, I'm joining a group. I find it more fun when you're in a group and you have a place to return to, hang around a lot, stay around to help with and receive help from when preparing for the event, and go out for dinner after the event. This time, Well. Needless to say about half wasn't fulfilled-- *sigh* Ah well. But it was great fun anyway~ ^^
And oh yes!! I saw Grace today~~ ^^ *bounces around* She looked slightly different~ And everyone looked great! Especially Skye and Inu and *coughs* The bishies ;)
Stalking: No, not me... ^^;;; Mandy and Lynette went around stalking people and taking photos of them~ ^^;; Heheh... It was amusing to see their photos~ Lynette in the foreground and the target in the background. It was funny~ ^^ And then Amanda told their first target that they were stalking them (cause the target was Himu) and they had to change their target to the top-hat guy~ Heheh...
Mi costume: One bad thing about my costume? MY WIG WAS BROWN. Ya. And really, Yukino should have a haircut. Darn wig got entangled and everything... Wah. But by lord there was a RITSUKA!! AND FFAC!! And-- *goes on to rants*
Rants: It actually took me almost an hour to realise why the character looked SO FAMILIAR. And why? CAUSE HE WAS RITSUKA FROM LOVELESS!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE I WAS SO DENSE!! Then we talked a wee bit... And I said like one line to the Kawachi from Yakitate! Japan- Heheh... But didn't exchange contacts or anything... Ah well.
And most importantly........ KADAJxYAZOO!!! OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!!! *goes into fangirl mode* KADAJ PLACED HIS (or her) HAND ON YAZOO'S BUTT!! AND WAHHHHH OMG I SHOULD HAVE ASKED FOR FANSERVICE!!!! TOTALLY went trigger-happy around them and got all fangirly and everything-- OMG I think I melted... ^^;;;
Well, on the whole the event was rather fun~~ Loved hearing Skye sing up there~ =^^=
Signing off......
Sunday, 27 November 2005
!Chill@SP: Okay, the rhombus was _supposed_ to go together, but it was cancelled... Heavily disappointed... but that's another story. I went to the STAC forum (okay, Skye, don't kill me.... I was just looking for pics!!) and found some pics taken at the cosplay at !Chill. Okay, considering I kept seeing the same faces in the pics, I suppose there weren't _that_ many cosplayers... BUT ONE OF THEM OWNED A KATANA!!! LIKE WAH! I _could_ have stolen it and taken a pic for my assignment... but... Ah well. Sigh, I wish I could have forseen the cancellation on friday... Then I would have walked around myself instead of forcing myself not to. ... And I'm whining again...
Continuing on with what was at !Chill, I saw the bazzar at the plaza on friday before I left~ There were SO MUCH NICE FOOD!!! I saw the Snow Ice thing being sold, and takopachi, and durian pancakes (I managed to taste a small sample ;)) and a LOT of other nice food!! *drools* Then there were other stalls selling miscellenous stuff... And I know my friend in choir (guy) was performing too-- There were like free drinks given out (My club members were in charge of that so I got one can too ^^) and cosplay and stuff--
There was supposed to be a kimono demo where we can learn how to wear a yukata and stuff-- And a tea ceremony thing... Darn cool.
Pre-registration successful!: On the bright side, since I didn't manage to go for the !Chill thing, I could go for the EOY pre-registration~ (End-of-year cosplay, for those who don't know what EOY is) Went with Skye, Senti and Joe (yeah, got to know someone new! ^^) Saw Eden and this bunch of other people and had quite a lot of fun~ ^^ Now all I have to worry about is finishing my Yukino costume in time for EOY- Things left: Obi, big ribbon thingy at the back of my Obi, and the patterns on my kimono (Skye, I place my kimono in your hands-- Thanks for all your help!! ^^)
JLPT1 coming up: Okay... This is scary... I have.... 6 and a half more days before my JLPT1 EXAM!!! *freaks* I need to start studying and everything... But I've got a million assignments coming up ALL DUE THIS WEEK!!! And 2 meetings!! How am I going to manage this???!! *freaks even more* And my family is practically not giving me another choice but to pass... Can't take this much longer... That means that I'll have to cut myself off from any other human activity which is not necessary and try to mug... *cries* Wish me luck!! I'll need it.
Signing off......
Thursday, 10 November 2005
Bad to worse
5 o'clock, 6 o'clock, 7 o'clock.
in a corner
Smiles, Laughter and
"Talk more!"
7 o'clock, 8 o'clock, 9 o'clock.
Inssistent chatter,
with futile efforts to enter conversation.
Laughter, Smiles and
a slight Frown.
Some rambles...
School teacher: OMG one of my tutors is a former SC girl!!! @.@ And she's like really cool-- Was a director before, and one of the FEW tutors I feel comfortable listening to~ =)=) But err... *coughs* I was slightly scared of her ^^;; When it was my turn to say something I froze up totally even though I knew what I was going to say. 3 little words. And she heard something different cause of my freeze-up. =( Wahhh I'll never be able to face this world again!!
And I'm so glad to say she's not homophobic ;) Liberal, yeah.
GOF: YEAH YEAH YEAH 1 MORE WEEK!!!! *bounces around* I'm going with Ying Ying to watch it after school-- (which is like rather late... but WHO CARES!! IT'S GOF!!!)
Signing off... ...
Tuesday, 27 September 2005
Green against the leaves...
Brown against bark...
Yellow against withering leaves...
Smooth transitions.
Brown against wood..
White against walls..
Grey against the gravel path..
Occasional hitches.
A mix of blue and yellow against the curtains,
A mix of red and yellow against the biscuit tin,
A mix of blue and grey against the newspapers,
Blue against the Gardenia packaging
White against the monitor screen
Brown against rainbow-coloured toys.
A scream.
Thrown out of the house,
Sharp pain as body collides with tiled flooring.
What colour was I again?
Signing off... ...
Thursday, 22 September 2005
Quick Update -- with poem
Advent Children: Yep, Advent Children's been out for quite a few days, and I think I've watched it quite a few times already... Really good movie, with great bishies, action and slashy parts. Not to mention the comic relief provided by Reno and Rude (some characters from the movie). I'm supposed to be studying for my exams, but hm. Well. You know, I always end up doing something else.
Exams: As I said, exams' here.... Trying to study... Need. To. Get. Distinctions. Else my hope to enter University will be much affected... Argh. Had my first exam today. Or yesterday, whatever. Wasn't as bad as expected. Managed to crap out answers for everything.
Bad friend: Okay, I can't believe I didn't asked someone to fill in his birthday for me into my birthday alarm account. And so I didn't realise his birthday passed!! Omg, 2 and a half months later I realise it. What sort of a friend am I?? Gosh.
Misc: 2 months and... what, 4 days? Till what? Till the release of the Globet of Fire of course!! ^^;; Told you I end up thinking of everything else when I start studying for my exams. Just now I had this sudden 'inspiration' (of sorts) and ended up writing something like a poem... If you're interested, click here to read it. The title... is, well, there 'cause of a lack of a better one.
Now, back to studying.
Signing off... ...
Saturday, 17 September 2005
Insides, outsides
Comments from classmates: Okay, this is something that kinda bothered me... Recently there have been quite a few classmates (obviously guys) who have been commenting about my dressing. Not in a good way, of course. There's this workshop on dressing coming up during the holidays, and some of the guys (the ones I'm closer to) have been telling me that I should really go for that course cause I need it. Okay, I know I don't dress up well, but hey, there's no need to be that blunt!
Inside, outside: There's this phrase in Japanese: "Gaiken yori nakami" [外見より中身] which basically means that your insides (character, personality) are more important than your outsides (looks). Which I agree with wholeheartedly. I've never bothered myself with my looks. Hey, look at me. Since young my mum was the one who bought my clothes, and it's always been the same. Black pants with a T-shirt, socks and sport shoes. I've never given it much thought. Until recently, of course, when I started to get myself a few tops. Just those few.
Looks: I know I've never been a master at dressing... but after those comments I guess I've started to think a little... Given that I'm also growing up. Is dressing up really so important? I mean, I don't look that bad till you feel like laughing or puking when you see me, right? ... Or do I? Then when I went for my japanese class, I talked to a classmate about it... And they gave me comments. All said the same thing. Yes, dressing is important. They said more, but basically that's the gist. And I suppose it somewhat got the point across.
But it's been the same for me for the last 16, no, 17 years of my life. It'll be so embarassing and uncomfortable to change all of a sudden. My friends would know about my low self-esteem... You put me in something totally new, and I freak. I'll start paying more attention to what others think and every comment will strike me hard. I don't know. Should I? Maybe I'll go shopping one day during my holidays...?
Me, inside: I remember what Andrea used to say... "You're too nice! That's why everyone takes advantage of you!" and everytime I'll shrink and go "no, I'm not..." Well, maybe if I do think of myself in a third-person perspective, I agree I that I get taken advantage of, some of the time, all the more so in poly. But am I really 'too nice'? I didn't think so. Or maybe I'm only thinking like that 'cause it's just the me now. With Poly, my defences have gone up a LOT. I get defensive, violent and irritable whenever someone comments on me, be it nasty, nice, or whatever. I've been getting more sceptical than ever, and I know it. But I can't seem to help it... =(
Changes: It might be because they're guys. It's so different from when I'm talking to girls. Back in SC, everyone is so nice, and I guess I can afford to be timid and myself. Then now, a mask slips readily into place and... I don't really know... My Business Chinese class used to be my life buoy in poly. It was one of the ONLY places I could be myself. Then, a few days ago, I met my classmate after my class when I was talking with my Business Chinese classmates. The result was rather disastrous. The overlap was so drastic that I didn't really know how to act. It was scary, to say the least. And the worst thing is... The Business Chinese days are over. Over. Omg. They're over. I won't get to hang out with the guys and girls in my class anymore. ... The thought is rather terrifying.
Birthdays: Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ALL SEPTEMBER BABIES!! Heheh, I'm lazy, aren't I. But oh gosh, there are SO many of my close friends' birthdays this month. Deone, Momo, Amanda, Meiling, Jazzy... and there are more people whom I'm not close to whose birthdays fall in Sept too. Ah well. Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY again to all of you! ^_^ Heheh...
Btw, I did one of those 'angel' quizzes from Lynette's blog for the fun of it. ^^;; I don't know... is the result really me?
you are a light angel, you are peacful and like to make others smile and happy.
as the white angel you care for other more than
your self. you are a total opposite of the dark
angel. you should pay attention to your self
once in blue moon, but never stop giviong.
people like you can make a peaceful world. you
are very likable, in other words it's easy to
make friends. you are unique, there aren't many
like you. good job ;)
what kind of angel suits you the best(cool anime pics)
brought to you by Quizilla
Signing off... ...
Wednesday, 17 August 2005
The betraying of trust
I was forming my entry in my mind on my way home today but I think everything disappeared after I went out with my dad just now... ='( Never mind, I'll just write an entry anyway.
The incident today: I was trying to take some pictures of my friends today, while I was walking towards the MRT station with them. Two of them started acting cute and gay, so I took my camera out, ran in front of them, and snapped. It was a good picture, and it was cute, so I was pretty happy. (Mind you, they knew I was going to take a picture of them anyway) and then one of them asked whether he could see the photo. I passed the camera to him, then suddenly heard "I delete ar!" from behind me. I quickly turned around and shouted "NO!" at him rather loudly. I saw him make to press the delete button anyway and I started wrestling with him.
When I got it back, I realised that he had already deleted it. That got me pissed. I mean, it's not the photo that got me entirely pissed, it was the lack of respect for me as a person, and the lack of consideration for a _friend_. And at the beginning of the year he told me he'd take me as a one. What rubbish.
Lack of respect and consideration: This wasn't the first time. Ever since I knew him he has been telling me nothing but lies, playing with my emotions and using his words to control me. What I hated was that he said he was my FRIEND but he's hitting ALL my weak points anyway. He knows I don't know how to retort and handle all the 'suan'ing, but he does it anyway. What a friend.
I knew he was like that, but I trusted that he'd know his limits and not mess around with my things without my permission. _That's_ why I passed the camera to him. But NO!! He betrayed my trust, messed around with my pictures and deleted whatever he wanted. What happened to giving ME control over my own things? He asked me whether he could delete it. But if he was going to delete it ANYWAY regardless of my reply then it's equivalent to not asking at all. And it's plain RUDE, INCONSIDERATE, and DISRESPECTFUL. But no, I don't think he knows. Either that, or those words just aren't in his dictionary.
Look at it this way, before knowing them, NONE of my friends would have done such a thing. If they saw me reacting that violently to the idea of deleting it, they'd play around a bit but they wouldn't delete it. I believe that even the rest of the class wouldn't have deleted it. And I thought he was decent. Whole lot of rubbish. Decent, my ass.
It wasn't just the picture. It was a whole lot more when he did what he did.
OOPG: I don't really know what's going on, but everyone's been asking for my assignment codes. I mean, what for! I'm not even doing it the way the teacher wants it!! I'm happy doing it my way and I don't want anyone to COPY! But they don't wan't to listen to all that. They want to get it from me and circulate it around so everyone will get a copy. HELLO!!! I'm not even doing it the way the teacher wants it. It'll be DAMN obvious if they copied!! They don't care, do they. The penalty for copying is quite harsh. They ALL know that. But they don't care. No one does. They just think that if I get good marks and they copy, they'll get the good marks too. No one's counting on themselves. Except perhaps a rare few.
We can group up in pairs for the assignment, but it looks like I only have two choices -- either pair up with Chelsea or do it myself. I'm not doing it with anyone else. I don't trust that they'd keep it to themselves. The only one I thought was pretty decent dared to tell me that he'd pass it to his friend, who'd circulate it everywhere.
And really. almost all of them said they don't understand my codes. Then why bother to even use it?? Crazy bunch of people, the lot of them.
More CHOCO: Okay, enough frustrations for a day. Let's talk about HAPPIER things ^_^ I made choco last weekend, and my friends said it was good. So did my mum and bro. I just came back from buying more baking choco with my dad, and my mum said she got the chocolate moulds for me already. That means.... MORE CHOCO MAKING!!! ^_^ I'm planning to distribute the chocos to my friends and stuff next, next monday. Which means I probably have to wait till next week to cook em.
But... I can't wait any longer.... it's just so fun!! ^_^ And I heard it's pretty good... and I want to try more... some _person_ in my class keeps wanting to eat my choco and he was the ONLY one I gave 2 pieces to. And he still dared to demand for more the next day, even though I told him I didn't have any left. Argh. Anyway... Hm. You know what, I think I may just make the chocolate anyway this week ;) Whee~~~ =P
Signing off......
Friday, 5 August 2005
Screwed, me.
You suck.
You know that, don't you?
What's the point of dominating?
... None.
Then why do you do it anyway?
... I don't know.
You know it irritates people, don't you?
... Yes.
Is that your point then, to irritate?
... No...
Then... why?
... I don't know...
Where's your control?
... Gone with the wind.
Excuses, excuses.
Enjoy annoying the heck out of everyone, do you.
... No...
You need to have control.
... I know...
Learn it.
... Yes...
Conquer yourself.
... I'll try.
You aren't trying.
... I will...
Start now.
... Yes, tomorrow...
Start now.
... Tonight, I reflect.
You aren't reflecting.
... Give me time... I'll change...
I'll try my best, I promise.
Remember: Over-confidence gives the impression of arrogance.
Signing off... ...
Interrogation; Jerkies aren't nice.
Friday, 22 July 2005
Apologies: Sorry, Derrick, Chelsea, Bo Sheng, Ceed, Wee Kwang, Daniel, Yong He and F4, for losing my temper so easily and scolding you guys. Basically, I'd like to apologise to EVERYONE I've pissed off or irritated the past few days. The stress is getting to me. The whole Shuwei thing, especially. Anything to do with that with that name is stressful. Everyone seems to be depending on me to do everything, and it's starting to get on my nerves.
CIP: There's the CIP thing for Character Development, where I've asked the WHOLE class to help me look information for, and only one person came up with something - that was total crap. Done by who? Who else will give me irrelevant crap and show it to the class? Shuwei, of course. Okay, I don't blame the rest of class. Most of them only knew about it really last minute. But those that are 'helping' go to a page with lots of links to different places (most of which have dead links) and copy and paste the link to me and ask it it's okay. ERM. I thought you were helping. Minimal, it seems.
TBCM: After much irritating and begging and godknowswhatelse, Shuwei is in my group for TBCM. And since it is Shuwei, the group is NEVER in the mood to discuss the work with him around. So... nothing has been done, and we're WAY behind time. Worst thing is, Shuwei DARED to blame and scold me for not doing anything. HELLO!!!! I was the ONLY one bugging the group once every five minutes to continue discussing. If you really thought that we weren't doing anything, why don't you INITIATE AND STOP BLAMING EVERYTHING ON ME!!! YOU SAY YOU'RE THE BLOODY CLASS REP AND DARE TO ANNOUNCE IT TO EVERYONE WHEN YOU DON'T DO ANYTHING! Oh god.
'Teasing': Shuwei has a nickname-- Energy. And the class likes to tease that I am with 'F4' and 'Energy'. Okay, F4 is fine, since I'm close to them and I know they won't take them seriously. But oh Gosh. Energy??? What an insult to the real group Energy man. BAD insult. And it's absolutely REVOLTING everytime they play the edited version of Energy's song and replace the name with Shuwei's, and say it's dedicated to me. More than once I felt like leaving the class, but no, I had to maintain control.
Schoolwork: Then there's practical. Many people in my class can't do the practical qns (which I suspect is because they don't listen during lecture, or just plain made careless mistakes) and end up asking me for help. I'll help, of course, and in the beginning I was like a third teacher, running around the entire lesson like the other two teachers. Then I started to put my foot down and scold some of my classmates due to the stress. I'm REALLY really sorry for that... It's just that... Running around and helping everyone during lesson just means that I don't have time to do the practical myself. And I'm lagging behind now.
Shuwei is starting to turn into a foul word. NEVER mention that name in front of me.
I'm about to break down soon. So much to do, so little time... The stress is overwhelming, and I'm starting to forget everything that I'm supposed to complete.
Aren't I glad that they don't know my blog...
Signing off... ...
Friday, 1 July 2005
S9D outing
Arcade: I watched a few of them play several games (the one where there are three coloured buttons and you bang on them erratically in hope that you'll be the fastest, and the one where you hold this long thing in your hands and swing it about and use it as a sword to kill monsters.) I myself played Time Crisis 2 with Huiyong and the DDR thingy with William. ^^ Had lots and lots and lots of fun. We also crowded around a stupid machine and Hui Xin asked William to try and pick toys from the machine... Obviously, we failed to do so.
Dinner: Then Pei Yu, William and Huiyong left. Hui Xin actually left too, but at City Hall she decided to turn back and join us for dinner too ^^;;; Dinner was full of jokes and stuff, and we got someone to take a picture of the 5 of us left. ^_^ After dinner we walked around, window shopping and talking crap. That was basically my fun part of the day. Enjoyed myself tremendously. ^^ LOOKING FORWARD TO THE NEXT OUTING!!
Pei Yu and Meiling: Next time, you guys are gonna PLAY!! ^^ Maybe we can bang the stupid coloured buttons things together. =P
Signing off... ...
Wednesday, 29 June 2005
Low self-esteem
Fun day out: Well, other than that, the outing was fun~ ^^ The rest went to watch a movie, and I went home for a while. I calculated what time they would end... and well. Let's just say I calculated it right the first time, and just as I was about to leave the house, I managed to convince myself that 4 + 2 was 7. So I stayed for another hour. Oh god. And I made the whole group wait for me for almost an hour!!!!! It wasn't that good a day, but dinner was good. ^^ Talked to them, made a fool of myself, and took lots of pictures!! ^^ Basically it was the talking and the pictures that was fun. Other than that... hm. I shall keep my comments to myself.
By the way, angst is not 'ex' nor is it 'not nice'. Go check the dictionary.
Signing off... ...
Saturday, 25 June 2005
Just some tests...
Your IQ Is 105 |
Your Logical Intelligence is Exceptional Your Verbal Intelligence is Above Average Your Mathematical Intelligence is Genius Your General Knowledge is Below Average |
The True You |
You want your girlfriend or boyfriend to be more relaxed, calm, and composed. |
With respect to money, you spend as little as possible. |
You think good luck depends on maintaining good relationships with others. |
The hidden side of your personality tends to be satisfied to care for things with a minimal amount of effort. |
You are tend to think about others' feelings a lot, perhaps because you are so eager to be liked. |
When it comes to finding a romantic partner, you don't have any particular type in mind, but you are inclined to look for someone who will say yes when you ask him / her out. |
Friday, 24 June 2005
FInally -- An update! ^^
^^ Thanks to all who have been bugging me to update-- both on my tagboard and online. ^_^ It feels great to know that you guys still remember me- ^^
OG outing: Okkay... so I dunno what's going to happen to it. Sam said he'd organise one... and erm. *coughs* Let's just say that many people couldn't make it... so it was cancelled... Up till now there have been no updates to the status of the outing. Seems like we won't be having an outing after all... Wah. I really really REALLY want an outing... but with school and assignments and practicals and all... I really don't think I have the time to organise one... I'd help though. Everyone knows that. =^^=
CT outing: Hm. I'm supposed to organise that. ^^;;; And as I'm sure you can guess, it's been dormant. I haven't been able to find the time to organise it... and with all the term tests coming up for ALL the JC peeps... I think I can forget about it. No point sacrificing precious study time for an outing. EVERYONE, JIA YOU!! GAMBATTE!! ^^; Don't get yourself too stressed out and all... I'd like to see you all still in one piece after your mid-terms, k?
My school life: Well. My class wants an outing too. ^^;;;; So... *coughs* They wanted to watch Initial D initially... (no pun intended) but it was cancelled due to the fact that very few people wanted to go.
So let's count. Number of outings I was supposed to organise/help to organise: 3. Number of outings succeeded: 0. Whee. That's how accomplished I am. Ah well. Oh, and I forgot to mention... my camp group wants an outing too- I promised I'd help my GLs out with it.
Schoolwork: Fun so far, but I have this particular module called UWOS (Unix and Windows Operating Systems) Sounds fun? Err... Well. I thought I'd learn some cool stuff. All I've learnt so far is finding the Task Manager and closing applications. At least that's all I've caught during lesson. The teacher talks during lesson, as do the rest of us. In other words, no one listens. No one from my class, at least, and I'm no exception. I know, I know, bad student. Amanda's gonna have my head for not paying attention. So much for hoping to receive distinctions. Ah well, all hope's not lost yet.
Class stuff: My class? Nice bunch of people. Just that they... well. Tend to teach you all the wrong stuff. But they look out for me... So that's good. ^^ Love them anyway.
To all my SC and JC friends: WAhh!! I miss all of you... Hope we can finally find a time to go out together. ^^ *hopes*
Signing off... ...
Friday, 27 May 2005
Having no one with me in school.
It wouldn't be so bad if i made some really close friends...
I didn't think it'd be this hard without a constant...
Pining... Yearning...
I'm bad at handling emotions
and expressing them.
I can't tell anyone about certain things...
It wouldn't have been so bad
but when a close friend tells me that whatever I'm percieving is wrong straight in my face without understanding the hidden emotions underneath...
It starts to hurt.
But I'm grateful to certain people too:
My friends who listen to me ramble (you guys know who you are)
and a particular person from poly...
though the person probably doesn't know that he (used generally) has helped me so much.
But I'm grateful.
Signing off... ...
P.S. This ain't no poem. Just an extremely haphazard entry.
Friday blues
Coldness: "Oh darn, I forgot their names..." "Huh? I'm Winnie remember? And she's Ester" I laughed. "No no, I mean the rest of them." Both of them looked at me weirdly. "But you're not in the same course as them what." I could feel myself freeze. "Err... so?" I managed to say after some time, glad that my voice didn't sound rude.
Lunch? Or no: After the games I looked around for someone I knew. I heard that a few groups were going out for lunch, and I badly wanted to go with them. I mean, look, it's a bloody friday. and not even 1pm yet! I headed back to the room where our bags were and poked someone from Hi-5 on the arm. "Hey, have you gotten your EZ-link card yet?" I tried, hoping that I could get someone to at least accompany me to get my stupid EZlink. Unfortunately... "Yeah, but it's only valid starting on the 30th." "Oh, okay... Never mind then." Suddenly he shouted across me, "HEY,
Sulk: I passed by quite a few people and heard quite a lot of people being invited to go out for lunch. I was like the only idiot walking, not towards somewhere for lunch, but home. I had to admit, I started to sulk. My OG would know... I mean, I used to ask everyone practically EVERYDAY whether they'd like to go out after school. Resulting in 10 outings in a single month. Now? Damnit. I even asked my GL when our Hi-5 outing would be, but she said "sometime next week, don't worry, I'll inform you." and she placed an arm on my shoulder." For the moment I felt somewhat comforted. But 'one week' sounded a long way away...
Idiocy: Okay, so I was feeling lonely and brooding over it as I walked out of the school. I was supposed to walk past the MRT station and to my bus stop to take a bus home, but I ended up walking INTO The MRT station. And I only realised after I scanned my card and went onto the platform. Like WHAT AN IDIOTIC THING TO DO!!! Right. So I got pissed. And I continued to feel down on the train, throughout the whole ride. The fact that there was an ACJC couple standing so close to each other right across me didn't really help things much. Then there were a few idiotic people who, the moment entered the train, stood right at the entrance, blocking anyone from coming in or going out. Why did I say they were idiots? Simple. Because there was a whole lot of space behind them and they refused to move it. dammit. Dont' people understand the words "Please allow passengers to alight first" or "plese move to the centre of the cabin"?? I mean, even if you didn't want to move to the centre, you could at least move to the back right? No one who has brains stands in the MIDDLE of the bloody doorway. Oh wait. I forgot. They don't _have_ brains.
What did I accomplish today?: Nothing. Absolutely nothing. No EZlink, no lunch. Ah well. ... I miss my OG and class...
Okay. I'm getting super harsh now. I'm sorry... I'm just very tired and pissed with myself and godknowswhatelse. I shall go off now.
Signing off... ...
Thursday, 26 May 2005
Poly stuff
And sometimes when I lag a bit (like when people cut in front of me and I end up lagging behind), when I catch up with them one of the girls like to go 'looking at shuai ge right?' That's not bad enough. "You went for camp?? Oh, I know why! To look for shuai ge right?" ... "Why'd you come to poly then? Oh, wait, I know! To find shuai ge right?" Oh geez. She sounds like she _has_ to have the words 'shuai ge' in every sentence. And she says it _all_ the time. Argh. I had a bloody urge to like smack her or something. And she calls the fatter guys 'monsters'. Like how bloody shallow can one get? The worse part of it -- she's 20. Now _that's_ called immature.
As a result I hardly mixed around with my class. And it's bloody pissing.
Flag day: So... Today was flag day, and for reasons mentioned above, my class suggested I go with some girls cause I'd be the only one in the group who was a girl. In the end, I joined some of the Hi-5 members(my camp group) and 1A/04 freshies. It was fun. ^^ Especially with Felix, Bryan and Xiu Hui. Yong Xian was amusing too, sitting on the bench hald the time and still getting about the same amount in his tin as me. Felix liked to flirt with guys and girls alike and Bryan was so attractive that he didn't have to go to people -- people came to him. Thank goodness I still have Hi-5 during this time. ^^
Results for the day? I collected $11.05. How bloody pathetic is that man? I stick to what I thought for the past few years. Those who willingly go to orchard area to sell flags are idiots. And for a day, I was one. But at least I had fun while I was at it. ^-^
Signing off... ...
Monday, 23 May 2005
Lazy piggy
Camp: My ICT (name of faculty) camp just ended a few days ago... During the course of it I managed to break my slippers, spoil my handphone and chip my glasses. Not to mention get 3 blisters (which burst) on 3 different day. Add a bad sunburn to the mix. Whoala! That was my 4-day 3-night camp at SP. But I'm lucky, in a way, cause those people in my group were all very nice. ^^ One of them pissed me off as a few of my friends should know... but other than that everything was fine.
Then I managed to get myself a new phone. ^^ My dad went with me to the Singtel place and got me a new handphone, the cheapest tied with the contract. But I love it~ ^^ Very nice phone. Heh. =P
Poly: Orientation's starting from tomorrow, and well, you could say I'm starting to get slightly nervous. I've already been there and all... and I know the place where we're gonna meet... but I dunno... can't help freaking out a little...
More outings!!: I think we're gonna have an OG26 outing and a 05S9D outing in June and I'm sooo looking forward to it! Can't wait! I'll be having school so I may not be able to organise it all and stuff... but I'll be willing to help all I can!! ^-^ Miss all of you guys! And SC people too~~
Signing off... ...
Monday, 2 May 2005
The attack of the insects!!
Then I went out with my parents to bring this guy to dinner. We went to Holland Drive to eat, at one of the hawker-centres. Suddenly, I felt this movement on my leg. I quickly started stamping my foot on the ground and a long insect dropped out from under my pants, before it crawled away. Yuck!! ARGH.
Then, some flying insects were at the lights at another area, and the boss turned off the lights so that they would go away. Okay, so one problem solved. And another follows. The whole swarm of them came over to our area. And kept dropping onto the table in front of me. Needless to say, I freaked as they just kept dropping, mostly near me. In the end, I moved so that I was sitting extremely close to my mum.
Finally, the attack of the insects ended, and we went home after dinner. I entered the bathroom to shower, and I proceeded to take off my socks. Then guess what? There was a large flying ant on the bottom! I hopped out of the toilet immediately and asked my mum to help me get it off. Oh gosh. Horrible.
Signing off... ...
Friday, 29 April 2005
No one...
No time: Argh. Is it just me? Or does everyone not have the time to listen to me anymore? 3 examples in a day-- Either someone just plain doesn't have the time to listen, interrupts me as I'm about to speak and doesn't bother to concern himself (I shall just use 'he' generally so that I do not disclose who I'm referring to) with me after he finishes, or puts down the phone on me just as I'm about to say something. And that's just today. For the last few days, surprising or not, it's been my family I've been talking to. And it sucks because there are _so_ many things I can't talk about.
I can't scream about something extremely cute and gay I see on TV, and I can't share my day with a friend. It's pissing, really. When I don't want to go out, I am asked to too often-- by the same person. When I want to go out with someone or just want the person to come over to my house to hang out, we can't. And there's a charity fair I really really _REALLY_ want to go to on the 6th of may at the ENV building... and there's no one to go with. I'm finally gonna work for 3 days and it might just clash with the charity fair -- which I am only informed of after I think I can ask someone to go with me. Sigh.
Are you reading this? And you know something? I think hardly anyone reads my blog anymore. Someone told me to read his blog (again gender used generally) repeatedly, and I doubt that person actually read mine. If you want to know, yes, I went to read his. It'd be mean not to.
Blooging: It's a place to keep in touch with friends and update them on your life -- and a place to express your thoughts. Not what they say on the bloody TV.
Complaint blog? Gosh, I'm using my blog to complain more than anything else now, huh. Damn.
Signing off... ...
Tuesday, 26 April 2005
Tongue twister and up and down
A pack of picked pepper Peter Piper picked.
If Peter Piper picked a pack of pickled pepper,
Where's the pack of pickled pepper Peter Piper picked?
~Bunny rabbits don't hibernate. And that includes little bunny rabbits and mummy bunny rabbits.
~"Peter Piper" not "Peter Pepper".
Oh gosh, I've gone mad, haven't I. Ah, I feel as if I'm stealing 'manda's way of blogging... Argh. I'm just lazy to go through all the nitty gritty details. Ah well.
Up and down
Up and down
Up and down
Up and down
Up and down
Up and down.
Signing off... ...
Sunday, 17 April 2005
Problems galore
even before he gets to take a breath...
Another hits.
Like a tsunami
after Wave
after Wave
Each leaving him more tired than the last.
And then
All Hell Breaks Loose.
Signing off... ...
Saturday, 16 April 2005
OG outing
Went out: Today I went out with Amanda-- ^^ We talked, crapped, and well, went searching for a dolphin soft toy. After running around a lot of places, sampled ice-cream (mine was lychee and her's was strawberry), sampled chicken balls, we fianlly found a place which sold dolphins at Bugis. Then there was a problem.
Dress, skirt or dolphin?: Amanda saw a skirt at Mango (which was $60), and a dress at one of the shops at bugis (which was $28). Then there was also the dolphin. The smaller one was $36 i think, and the large one $62. We debated, and decided that she'd take the dress. When she opened her wallet though, she noticed that she only had $14!! And she fell into depression. We called Heri to ask him to lend her money, but then after arguing with herself, she deluded herself into thinking that she didn't want the dress anymore because she couldn't afford it. Well.
OG OUTING!!: We had an OG outing yesterday to celebrate PL and Jeff's b'day. We went to Sakae sushi, and well, the downside was that at first, we had 11 people going. Then it went down to 9, and then 8. 5 of us went into Sakae first, and started on the sushi buffet. After quite some time, the 3 others came and then they didn't dare to come in cause they didn't have enough money for the buffet. So I informed the supervisor and they seperated their table from ours.
Stealing food?: Hence, JL, Uncle and PL ate ala-carte instead. They were very reluctant in buying sushi plates, and only bought 2 plates of sushi, and Uncle bought a drink (which he said he'd frame up cause it cost a bomb). After some time, they got hungry, so Kevin, who was sitting next to me and nearest to the other table, placed a plate of sushi near the edge of table. Then, Jing Lun, with his fast-moving hands, took a sushi and popped it into his mouth within a blink of an eye. Kevin was actively giving them chances, but since Jing Lun was the nearest, I think he stole the most.. ^^;;
Then Uncle saw something he really wanted to eat, and he stood up, bent over his table and took one piece from out table. With such large actions, someone would have noticed. And notice someone did. Luckily, it wasn't the really fussy waitress nor the supervisor. She (thank heavens) turned a blind eye to it. I started getting cold feet, so the next time they wanted to steal food, I left the place to go to the toilet. When I came back, however, I was quite surprised to see that they hadn't taken anything. Heh.
Summary of dinner: I ate the most, I think, definitely more than 10, and perhaps reaching 20 plates. ^^;; Kevin wanted to make full use of the service and kept ordering plates from the waitresses instead. Raymund dropped a piece of crabmeat on the floor, and Wanxin kept changing seats. All in all it was fun.
NEOPRINT!!: After dinner, we went down to Dhoby Ghaut to take neoprint! Uncle kept trying to cover the camera with his hand, and I was desperately trying to squeeze myself into the photo. The whole photo-taking process turned into chaos. But the chaos was fun. ^^ OG chaos is good chaos. Heh. Gosh, am I even making sense?
Post-neoprint: Well, firstly, Kevin and Jing Lun changed bags, and agreed to do so for approximately 2 weeks. Heh. ^^ It was really funny. After some time, I noticed someone (was it Uncle or PL?) holding something in his hand. I went up to him and looked at it. "That looks nice. Where did you get it from?" He looked up. "You want? Which one do you want? Take your pick." At that, he turned and faced towards the ceiling. I followed his line of sight and hen noticed this whole row of decorations along the edge of the neoprint area. There were strings of decorations hanging down.
Jing Lun heard, and lifted his hand to tug slightly at it, causing an entire string of decorations to drop down!! Straight after he realised what happened, he picked it up and ran to catch up with us. Lol!! At that time, most of the OG had walked off towards the MRT, leaving him staring at the decorations. As for me, Jing Lun gave me one part of the string to bring home. Hahaha!! It was really REALLY fun. =)=)
OG 26, I LOVE YOU ALL!! ^^
Signing off... ...
OG business: Don't misunderstand, I still love my OG. My closer friends (not necessarily in OG) will know that there's this one person who irritates me a lot, but that's not the point. Anyway, no offence to anyone in my OG, kay?
Just who asked for it?: Firstly, I'm always ALWAYS the one organising the outings and collecting the money and doing EVERYTHING (even though I may not be the one who SUGGESTED or INITIATED it) I'm bloody freaking broke right now with no job and absolutely no income, yet I'm the one who ends up paying for all the stuff first. Example. The BBQ. People owe me money. We go for dinner. Must buy presents. We buy presents. Other person pays for one present first. People pay me back for BBQ. People owe us money for presents. I give the other person back all the money she spent on the present. I am broke. I owe my mum money. Pissing, ain't it? Doesn't seem to make much sense.
Really, if you want to initiate an outing, you should be the one looking for the place OR AT LEAST calling to reserve the seats, OR calling the people in the OG OR going online to ask everyone for their opinion OR fixing a BLOODY DATE TO GO RIGHT??!! Then why is it I did everything? Without the person (whom I shall call ABC for now) lifting a bloody finger to help? Unles of course, you call bugging me practically everyday to see if I've called up all the OG people _help_.
Or am I just being over-sensitive? My computer is not helping matters right now. I'm only getting more pissed because it's lagging like mad. I time a whole string of sentences and it only shows them on the screen after approximately 5 to 10 seconds. Bloody. Pissed.
Argh. Yes, I know, my previous post applies to me too, but I just kinda blew up cause I'm bloody broke and I have no money to go out tomorrow and I've been trying like mad to find a job but to no avail. I don't get no allowance and no bloody income.
Complaints... And more complaints. Bloody hypocrite, that's what I am. I hate it when I do that. Just needed to find a place to rant it all out.
Signing off... ...
Friday, 15 April 2005
Just do it.
"I only get hurt from doing these things"
"Why can't someone else do it?
"Why's it always me?"
Excuses, excuses...
Think about it, really.
If you didn't do what you did, would you really be happy?
Is that how you want yourself to be?
If it is, I have nothing to say.
I may get hurt,
but I won't do it any other way.
I may cry,
but I won't regret my actions.
Signing off... ...
Monday, 11 April 2005
Monday blues...
Disappointment. Horror.
A heavy heart.
From 5 to barely 3 an hour?
I want my lunch.
Everyone's gone
No one to talk to
Lingering hope
to make a new friend...
No one to talk to...
Rushing home
Barely time for myself
"I'm back"
"So how?"
"I don't know."
"Yes, coming!"
Turn off the tap.
Study for kanji test?
No, blog.
No time.
Class at 7.15...
Test. Homework...
Rush again.
Monday blues...
I'm really in a rush. Very haphazard entry... Exactly what I'm feeling. Damnit. It's 7. I'll be late.
Signing off... ...
Thursday, 7 April 2005
Cosplay Ramble
Street Festival 2005: Okay, so there's a street fest on 4th June... Argh. Might not join though... They made such a big fuss over everything... I mean, cosplayers under 21 have to get their PARENT'S CONSENT??? What the heck...?? I'm so flattered that they treat us like primary school kids, thank you. Argh. Thank goodness, even if I was cosplaying, I wouldn't join the competition... Silly rules. It's not as if we're putting our life on the line when we join the competition... And past winners aren't allowed to join too, you know. In a matter of a few years, all the good cosplayers won't be allowed to join. Argh. What is _wrong_ with them. And the co-ordinators don't seem very friendly either... I was thinking of cosplaying actually, even though it's usually meant more for J-rockers (but since they so generously decided to let anime cosplayers in...) but Skye needs her wig for that event too, so that means that I can't do Howl... and I want to do Yukino for CosFest... So unless I miraculously come up with some idea on what to do that I can rush by then, I don't think I'll join... Ah well.
CosFest 2005: Now _this_ is what I'm looking forward to. I just hope that the bands won't be too loud... ^^;; I remember the year before, when the band started playing, everyone started evacuating. Heheh... But it was quite fun... ^^;; I'm working in order to get my Yukino done in time for this cosplay event. Which means I have to find another event to wear my Howl costume to... Hm. But oh darn... my shirt is not accurate. If I wear it to an event, won't it be obvious? Considering that I know there are others who want to do Howl's Moving castle too? Ahhhh!! Darn. It's time I started updating myself with the latest anime/manga... I'm getting backdated.
Signing off... ...
Wednesday, 6 April 2005
=I Diary for 2day
Work: Okay, so I made myself useful and tried calling up different places... Popular doesn't want me, so I tried out clothes shops instead. All of em didn't need any more helpers. Argh. Oh man... I soo wanted to work someplace near town... I need the bloody money damn it. Sigh... But seeing that I got lots of stuff to do too... *shrugs*
Rain: After all the failed attempts, I decided that it would do me some good to trudge down to the library. So I went to shower, and when I came out, it started raining. So I had to stay home and wait till it stopped raining... But well, I like the rain, and it sure made the day much cooler, so I didn't exactly have much cause to complain.
Library: Yup, I finally went down to the Library @ Orchard, and I had a headache... I was hoping there would be tables, but *cough* Apparently not. I guess it's nothing like a school library... And the books it had... Hm. Let's just say that I thought that they had better standards... I was there for barely and hour and I got slightly hungry, so I left. Pathetic, huh. If only someplace like the Hogwarts library existed... In Singapore. Sigh. Ah well.
Other than the fact that nothing much went according to plan today, I guess it was quite okay... =) Considering that I actually did some things (made myself useful) and well, it was serene. I enjoyed the walk to Taka and back. =)
Signing off... ...
Tuesday, 5 April 2005
Japanese Class: Okay, so yesterday night was my first lesson for my JLPT 1 preparation class. I had a new teacher (Abo- sensei) and well, she speaks pretty slow. Much slower than my current teacher (Kanai sensei) at least, but then again, she's the fastest speaker in the school ^^;; Anyway, when I signed my name on the attendence list, I noticed a name I hadn't seen in ages - and the first words that left my mouth were "Nicole's here??" The receptionist looked up at me and went "She's actually in the Saturday class" but I barely even acknowledged it, and practically ran to my classroom, almost banging into Kanai sensei in the process.
When I finally got to my classroom, I saw her sitting at the second row, and quickly went to sit next to her. Both of us were grinning like idiots, and I must say it was the best I've felt in class for ages. The great times I had when we were in the same class went through my mind, and it had seemed sooo long... Well, technically it was. A year and a half I should think. The class was boring to say the least, but it was so much more bearable with Nicole. I guess the only turn-off was the amount of notes and homework the teacher bestowed upon us... Sigh. It just reminded me of how important this exam will be, especially with how expensive this particular preparation class is compared to the normal classes... Practically twice the price if I remember correctly.
Anyway, Nicole was drawing stuff on her paper, and I couldn't help chuckling-- alright, giggling (gosh, I hate that word) -- whenever I turned my head and saw her drawings. Once or twice I even added stuff to it, like old times. I went home that night grinning from ear to ear.
Work: No, no, I haven't gotten a job yet, damn it. I need it, I know I do, since I need the money... but I just haven't gotten down to finding one. It's so damn pissing.
Signing off... ...
Monday, 28 March 2005
Most, of not all, of my good _old_ friends would know that I'm a true blue Gryffindor. And I know Slytherin too. And she would give me all the 'OMG, you're truly Gryffindor...' comments and she would say it as if it were a bad thing. Okay, those good friends will know exactly who I'm talking about, but the point is, I realise that I've become more, well, aloof. And I'm losing those 'Gryffindor' traits. I'm starting to get more self-centered and I hate it. Recently I tend to talk more about myself, and it's pissing. Really really REALLY pissing.
It's true you know -- how easy it is to listen to the 'devil', or rather, the bad side of you... It takes more effort to be good once you step into the 'bad' side... What I used to do without thinking, I hesitate too much to do now. And in the end, I just don't do it. Like... I can't think of an example now... but I know the change is there. My manners have worsened, and I can't even talk too politely now... The last only came about after entering JC, and seriously, I'm quite apalled by it. I know how it happened-- it happened in an extremely futile attempt to be less 'shy' when meeting new people. Now that I've succeeded, I feel like I've lost a lot more... and that... isn't good.
Harry Potter, and SNARRY!!: Okay, my old friends will know what I'm talking about, again. Heheh... Yes, yes, I've fallen again. Probably just as badly as before... I was watching the Harry Potter movies at home, and like OMG, I fell. If memory serves me right, I belive I gushed somewhere halfway through the show... particularly at the Snarry bits. Of course, the DracoHarry bits made me go crazy too... but *cough* that's not the point. ^^;; I doubt my new friends will understand half of this, but, ah well. Their opinion of me might change if they _do_ realise what I'm talking about... ^^;; Anyway, don't mind me if I start gushing about Snarry the next time I talk to you, whoever you are.
Work: Okay, so I just sent the email to Popular asking for a job... and I do hope it turns out well... The email didn't turn out exactly like I wanted it... (Like I said, I don't know where my politeness and manners went to. Probably on holiday or something...) But I do hope it didn't give too bad an impression. The standard of that email compared to the one I sent during the December holidays to a restaurant (which didn't succeed may I add) was miles apart, and not in the good way. Ah well. I guess all I can do now is wait.
Mannerism: Okay, I pissed my mum off, and my dad too, in the course of the last few hours. Argh. I don't know how my brother can control himself so well... I just can't do it. I screamed at my dad, and then argued with my mum. Not a good way to spend the evening. And after I screamed at my dad, he wanted to go back to his laptop, but I was sitting in the chair somewhere along the way to his destination. He blocked my only exit and said 'move'. I stared at him, and he repeated "move, I want to go through". How the freak do you expect me to move?? I wasn't exactly in a good mood so I stared at his feet pointedly and went "You move back. I can't make way with you blocking me!" And obviously, he complied. Bet you he wasn't happy. But thankfully everyone in my family is forgiving. Not long after I calmed down, everyone was happy again. ^-^
Follow the leader?: "Why are you following me?" "I am not." "Yes, you are." "What makes you think so?" A stare. "You are."
Yes, I know. I am. So I deny it, but hey, I never realised until you actually pointed it out to me. Sure, that incident had been in a literal sense. But I went home to think about it. Am I following you blindly? Am I? I don't know. It's been second nature, I guess. A role model, in a way. But when I think about it, I'm following him because I want to be able to do what he does, right? Because I want to learn. NOT because he's doing it. We just happen to have similar interests. Like how I developed an interest in Japanese, and then realised that he learnt it before too.
I guess it's in the blood. " There are so many seats in front, why must you stand behind me? I'm happy standing here." So I go and sit instead. I wasn't exactly doing it because he said it. It was because he pointed it out. I could have just stood there anyway, but that would have been stupid. I mean, there were seats right in front of the TV, why should I _not_ sit and stand at the back like a fool? Really, the silliness of it.
The similarities are uncanny, but I just can't help but notice some differences too. His will, I suppose, is so much stronger than mine. So is his mind. Me? I'm so easily influenced that even _I_ am getting furious abou it. Since young, my mum said that I was smarter than he was. I didn't believe that though. He has the potential, and is hardworking. Me? I'm neither. Potential? Perhaps I do have it, somewhere deep, hidden. Just waiting to be uncovered. I like to think it that way.
Argh. I think I've revealed too much. My mind just wandered I suppose... I know I'll get teased by Amanda for rambling again, but I guess that's just how I do stuff. ^^;; Ah well.
Apologies to all: Sorry for the extremely long-winded entry. I haven't updated in ages, and I kinda got carried away... ^^;;;
Signing off...... (I'll work hard... I'll try my best...)
Sunday, 20 March 2005
I dunno wat 'm doing...
Two more days...
38 hours, 3 mins.
My head's spinning,
Everything's a blur...
What am I still doing here?
Wasting my time in front of the computer?
I should be writing
Writing the letters I promised
But my mind isn't working,
I can't think...
I need more time,
More time with my new friends
With my school...
I promised I'd work hard
I really thought I could...
But save for computing,
I haven't kept to my word...
I need more time...
Much more...
But... ... ...
The clock keeps ticking...
Wednesday, 16 March 2005
^^ Another success!!
Shopping: After everyone came, we started our shopping. I think I ended up screaming and scolding some people cause they refused to listen (or was my voice too soft?) before we actually settled anything. Anyway, we finally finished our shopping and headed down to Pasir Ris park. I took out my camera and started taking photos of our fellow OG26 members, and many started dodging away from my camera. =^^= When we reached Pasir Ris park, we spent quite some time playing at the beach and at the playground before we actually started the fire.
Lost hp: Unfortunately though, Jeff lost his handphone while we were playing at the spider web. I kept dialing his handphone number in hope that someone would pick it up but no one did. When we were climbing the spider web, there was only a malay boy behind Jeff and he disappeared not soon after Jeff lost his handphone. The fact that there was no one else was there meant that he was the only one who could have taken it right? Stupid kid. Don't they go to school?? Haven't their teachers, or their parents for that matter, taught them NOT TO STEAL???!!! Stupid idiotic blasted kids. I can't believe it. He's so darn freaking young and is already stealing. And it was Jeff's new phone too. Damn them.
Fun stuff: Okay, enough cursing. Away from that, our OG started the fire not long after we returned to the pit. Jeff had to leave and most of the rest of the OG left to go play, leaving Raymund, Rachel and I to do the cooking (coincedentally the same few from our OG who helped with the Pegasus figure). By night I was slacking and leaving the cooking to some of the other people. I lied down on the mat on the grass and looked at the stars, and like whoa, it was so cool!! Dean was talking about some stuff about the stars and I learnt that the three stars in a row shows where the north and south are. Thing is, Dean doesn't know how to tell which end is North and which end is South. Which was amusing. He spent some time racking his brain but in the end he only knew where was north because we were next to the beach which was facing the east. ^^;;; I didn't get to cycle though... And I was looking forward to it. =(
Games and apologies: Lots of stuff happened during the bbq, and we played games like zhong ji mi ma. Jing Lun came late, and I ended up screaming at him over the phone cause the OG was too noisy. Nobody seemed to listen when I asked someone to accompany me to look for Jing Lun, which got me slightly irritated. Sorry Jing Lun!! He thought I was angry with him, I think.... ^^;;; Also want to apologise to Bei Jia for getting so irritated with her... Looks like I'm not the only one with a goldfish memory... She kept asking me the same question over and over again. ^^;;;
Anyway, the bbq was extremely fun, and a success~ ^^ Not all who said will go turned up though, but I guess this is the best we could get-- ^^ It was really fun!!! ^-^ Love you all, OG26!!
Special thanks: Thanks to all those who came for the bbq and especially those who came early to help with the shopping-- Darryl, Bei Jia, Dean, Raymund, Han song, Rachel and Jeff. And also Uncle and Shuxian for helping us bring stuff like the chicken and satay. ^-^ You guys made the bbq a great success!! *whistles* =^^=
Sick: I could feel myself falling sick on the morning of the bbq, but I didn't want to skip it, so I found myself feeling horrible yesterday morning when I woke up. Spent the entire yesterday sleeping, and only went to see the doctor at about 8+ in the evening. The doctor was quite blur... I went in half-asleep, and when my mum asked whether I had a fever, I said 'I don't know'. The doctor looked at me, squeezed my hand and said "I don't think she has a fever'. But on the safe side, he took out the thermometer and took my temperature anyway. "Oh, she has a slight fever-- 38 degrees" he said, which got me quite bewildered. I looked at the thermometer and saw '38.0', and I wondered-- That wasn't considered slight, was it? But I was feeling grubby and sick so I just let it go. I collected my medicine and left the clinic feeling very blur. Still coughing and having a runny nose and everything... but oh well.
Hear something different?: Yep, I changed my background song!! ^-^ It's from Howl's moving castle (AKA Howl no ugoku shiro). Thought it was about time I changed the song, so I settled on this one. Especially with my recent photoshoot and all... ^^
Another haphazard entry... Too lazy to type a proper one...
Signing off... ...
Sunday, 13 March 2005
CT outing: Kore mo DAI SEIKOU!! ^^ My class finally went for a class outing!! ^-^ We ate lunch, played pool, played arcade... ^^ Pretty fun!! Meiling and Pei Yu will know that someone pissed me off during the outing... but it was great seeing everyone enjoy themselves~ ^^ My CT people aint that bad... pretty nice in fact... Still love my OG just as much, or more, though... ^-^ Meiling and William came over to my house after the outing for a while... we played the dancing mat thing, throwing darts thing, and played with the PS2. ^^ All in all it was pretty fun. Only downside to the day was my aching back.
Signing off... ...
Thursday, 10 March 2005
Whee!!! OG BBQ!!!
I ponned: Today computing was cancelled, and I had a 3h break before GP. After considering for quite some time, I decided to pon GP and come home first. I had an agenda on what to do once I reached home, but I forgot 1 most important thing the moment I started on the agenda. I settled the BBQ pit thing, played my PS, showered, and then realised that I forgot to write the notes to my friends in NY!!! AHHHHHHhhhhh!!!! I'm so screwed!!! I'll have to do my OG one during the weekend and give it to them during the barbeque... And I have 15 more minutes before I have to leave for Petanque... Wah. I think I better go now before I run late... =(
Haphazard entry, I know... But I'm in a rush so.........
Signing off... ...
Tuesday, 8 March 2005
Frustrations: Stuff stuff. Too much to even start... And even if I do I'll probably end up pissing myself off anyway. Oh well.
Poly: I'm pretty nervous about going to poly... I don't really know what to expect... and the only person I know going to SP is not in the same course and has a good friend going there too... so that means I can't hang around him too much... Argh... Freaky, really. But I made the decision and I gotta deal with it.
Separation: The hols are coming, and that means that everyone will be going to their different schools soon... I'll miss everyone... especially my OG... We're having a barbeque this coming monday, and might be our last time together as a whole... Let's all have fun on that day!! ^-^ As for my CT, I'm going to try to organise an outing. This friday maybe? Yep. Wish me luck. ;)
Signing off... ...
Tuesday, 1 March 2005
Stars galore
O level: Okay, for those who don't want to listen, please skip this section into the next. Yep. I received my O level results yesterday... and like I didn't really know what I was expecting. I kept my mind a blank, so that I wouldn't be too shocked if I got bad results, or below expectation. I took the paper, and the first number I saw was '8'. I stared at it for some time, then realised that that wasn't my score. I looked all over the paper, and then found out that my teacher wrote it at the top right hand corner. A '10'. I didn't know what to think. I wasn't sad, nor really happy. I was quite satisfied, actually. Until I saw my other classmates.
Quite a few of my friends got 8, and a friend who got 10 too started crying, and couldn't stop. And when she did, she stared blankly into space looking depressed. I was kind of comforting her, but I felt quite silly, considering that I got the same marks as her. As for the rest of 4PE, I know they all got really high. Congrats all you gals!! ^-^ Have fun in your JC k?
As for my OG, like whoa, so many people got so high... I mean low. Wateva. 7s and 8s and 9s... like WHOA. Inferior me.
My CT? Smart asses too. Quite a lot got 9... 11... so my mark is about the average there... Thankfully. Dunno what to think. Oh, guess what? My English got an A1!!! Like wow! And my chem got an A2. My Physics didn't get the A1 I wanted though... got an A2... My humaninities? As usual. B3 and C5. Like ouch. The C5 is like this thorn in my result slip. ... Oh well. And to think I used to score well in lit. Look at me now.
OG outing: I should think there should be another coming up... soon. 10 in January, 0 in feb. I hope those who thought that we were having too many outings are happy. I kinda miss them. ^-^ Can't wait for it to come. ^^
Where to go: Finally decided where to go. And what to do. Like this afternoon. ^^;;; My course? Information Technology (Information systems option) Singapore poly, here I come.
Signing off... ...
Tuesday, 22 February 2005
So tired... ...
Computing: Gosh, some certain people in my CT are irritating me... And I feel damn guilty during computing... A few people like to copy my programmes and just paste them as their own, without knowing how to do it!!! I mean, what's the point of doing computing then??? You might as well not come for the practical!! And if you don't know, there's always someone called the TEACHER that you can get help from!!! They keep bugging me to let them copy, but I feel that I'm not helping them at all. Friends? Hmf. I hardly feel like it. I feel like I'm only helping them to become worse in computing... I don't mind if they just look at how others do it and learn, but they're just copying wholesale!!! Fine, not all of the time, but still quite often. Some of the guys that _used_ to copy are doing everything on their own now. They even went to borrow books on computing. Like wow.
I know I'm ranting... sorry. Slightly pissed. You don't ask someone for help, piss her off at the same time, and then decide to copy her work. I'm not mentioning names. And the teacher had the idea that the guy was so smart to handle it on his own and thought that I had much difficulty handling mine. He even asked me "Can you cope? If you need any help you can ask me. " Like WHAT??? Argh. Thank you so much for your faith in me.
Fine. So I'm over-sensitive. But seriously, you shouldn't me telling me this when I'm trying my best to do everything on my own. And to think that usually my friends are sensible enough to try everything on their own. Obviously now it isn't the case... They don't realise I'm trying to help them grasp the subject better... Copying won't help. Trust me. I've been there.
O level results coming out: Whee. Another problem. Results are out in like, what? 3 days? And I am still unsure about where to go. Poly? JC? My friends will know how bloody lazy I am. Either route I will have to change myself and be more disciplined. Poly expects a lot from me, and I have a low self-esteem. How the heck can I handle myself in poly? Poly will probably demand more and train me more, while in JC there are opportunities for such training, though optional. Knowing myself, I'll probably need to go to poly.
Then come the next few problems... course and choice of poly. Merlin knows that I didn't get to go to ANY of the open houses. I. Am. So. Screwed. I'm thinking of either Singpapore Poly or Nanyang Poly, depending on the course I finally decide on. Animation I'm scared of entering, so on the safe side I better not... Interactive media design sounds like what I did in MMC in Secondary school, but I'm not sure. It sure sounds fun. And then there's Computer Science. Hmm. Follow my brother's footsteps? I don't know... Will I be able to handle it? If I go step by step I should be okay... right? Right? *sigh* I'm so damn dead.
I so badly need someone neutral to talk to me... Someone who won't keep pressurizing me to go to JC without even listening to me... 3 days... omg. I repeat -- I. Am. So. Screwed. Help.
Signing off... ...
Tuesday, 15 February 2005
V day... Howl's moving castle... 1 week more...
1 week more: Guess what happens in 1 week? I bet you already know... O level results! Many people start worrying about how their results will be like when they get their result slip... for me, I get stressed, and scared. 1 week... The day of the results means so many things to me...
Where to go: Firstly, where on earth do I go after I get my results? Continue on in JC? Or go to poly? I wanted to go to poly... but now? I'm not sure... I have no confidence in doing animation... Interactive media design? I dun even know what they'll be doing! Or just plain computer science like what my bro did? I don't know. And after I go poly, I still have to go to the U no matter what. I don't want to go overseas, which means that I have to get into the local univrsity... which means I have to start working and stop slacking once i get into poly... but in JC it's also not a guaranteed place in the U. It just means that I'll have higher chances of getting in... Wah. And my brother said that when you go into the university from poly, it'll be easier for you to understand what they teach. @.@ 1 week... 1 week more to decide... *sigh*
End of...: With the release of our results, it also means that I won't be able to stay with my OG, or my CT anymore... These few weeks have gotten me quite attached to them, and I can't bear to part with them... =( I just want things to remain as they are... though that's not quite possible...
V day: Okay, before you get the wrong idea, no, I didn't get anything. I gave away quite a lot of chocos though... and today Pei Yu gave me one packet in return. ^-^ For the past few days, I have been coming back late cause I was searching for the soft toys and stuff for the OGLs... Finally I got everything last night and came back home at 9, exhausted, and with an aching back (thanks to the fact that I had to carry the 3 wooden boxes with me). Today I tried looking for all the OG people to get the letters, but not everyone was finished with their notes, and I lost Melody's note to Jeff, which got me super anxious... then to my horror, a teacher announced that the Year 2s weren't having their common lunch with us -- which meant that there was no common break where we could get the OG together to give the OGLs their presents!! I freaked, naturally, and almost went into a panic attack. During my break, though, I saw the 3 OGLs at the canteen, and Melody and Li Min told me to give the stuff to them. With no choice since there wouldn't be another chance to see them, I gave the stuff to the OGLs, uncompleted (without all the notes from the OG peeps).
OGLs' reaction: That was what got me really happy and relieved and hyper for the rest of the day. I didn't even *almost* fall asleep during Computing Mathematics lecutre!! They looked really surprised (in a pleasant way I should think) and Jeff's motuh even dropped! ^^ It was so cute- Heehee... I wish that I had a conventional camera with me at the time though... then I could take pictures of their reactions... Wah. I hate my goldfish memory... I'm just hoping that the images will stay imprinted in my mind... ^^ I love my OGLs!!! ^^
Cosplay: There's one coming up next month... OMG, so little time... I'm doing Howl from Howl's moving caslte (like wow, my first time doing a guy in 2 years and erm... 3 or 4 months? In my cosplaying history anyway) BUT! I can't find a full body picture of the version I want to do on the net... Dammit... No time...
Signing off... ...
Tuesday, 8 February 2005
Did you know? Do people realise that we're not supposed to visit people on the 3rd day of chinese new year? I bet you you didn't know that. Don't ask me why it's like that. It's just a tradition.
CNY celebration: The celebrations in school were quite okay... the lion dance was so cute!!!! The lion kept bouncing around and blinking its eyes. ^-^ Aww!! I was supposed to pass the oranges to my civics tutor, and I forgot to say all the 'gong xi fa cai' 'wan shi ru yi' thing... I just went there, shook his hand, said 'happy chinese new year', looked blur, passed him the oranges and walked off. Omg, how stupid can I get?
SC: After the school celebrations, I waited for Hui Shan and both of us took a bus for a few stops, before we decided to get off and take a cab instead. We rushed to SC only to find that most of the teachers had left, and so I decided to walk around for a bit before going to meet Momoko and Andrea. The two of them along with Yi Chun popped over to my house for a short while before I went out with Andrea.
P.S.: We went to PS to play arcade... and we saw this really cool yet cute girl... (At least in my opinion) We let her play her round first, and she was quite unlucky... she changed the options to something she didn't want, or she chose the wrong song... and she couldn't dance it... she cursed and then grabbed her bag and left. Heehee... She seemed quite down on her luck... But after that she came back and watched Andrea and I dance while waiting for her friends... Quite embarassing... I'm not good at freestyle... and there were so many people watching... Why did they have to take away the para machines on the highest floor?? Now E-zone's one is packed with people... Argh. But it was fun. ^-^
Sunday, 6 February 2005
I give up... NOT
After: The remaining people bought ice-cream, except for raymund, and then sat down underneath a tree to eat. Unluckily, a leaf landed in Chun Boon's ice-cream and he refused to eat it after that. ^^;; Kevin left then, and Raymund, Chun Boon, Peng Loong and I headed down to Orchard by squeezing into a packed MRT. Chun Boon left, leaving only 3 people. I needed to look for something, so Peng Loong and Raymund came along and helped. Then I went for class. End of outing. It was quite a failure, actually... Such a failure (it's the 2nd or 3rd time already, for me) that I don't think I ever want to organise another OG outing ever again...
Apologies: I apologise to everyone whom I kept bugging to go to the outing... As you see, it failed, so I guess you could say you didn't miss anything... Especially Jeff. I bugged him for like 2 hours... Argh. And I apologise to everyone for even suggesting the arcade.
CT: BUT!! I'm not giving up totally... I want my CT to go out together at least once... so as the CT rep, I'll have to try and get the class together... failed once already... don't want it to happen again.
Petanque: Next next thursday the J1s are going to Escape for 'experiential learning'. A small group of Petanque people are gonna go for dinner after CCA on the same day. I can't wait!! ^-^ Unfortunately, though, we haven't asked everyone whom we want to go yet... But right now, I'm loving it. Petanque people are nice. At least those J1s I know.
Fear: The OG is drifting apart, I can see... And no matter how hard I try to stay with them, I notice that less and less OG people stay together... O level results are coming out soon... and the time I'll get to spend with all of them will probably end soon... Scary... Should I try and spend more time with my CT instead? I really don't know... And Petanque... I don't want to leave it... Or the people...
But all things have to come to an end...
Signing off... ...
Tuesday, 1 February 2005
Blindness: Some things can be glaring bright neon red right in front of my eyes and I won't even notice it. Okay, fine, I may notice it if it were really BRIGHT NEON RED in front of me... I mean, who wouldn't? But anything less obvious, and I'm lost. Seriously.
Story-telling time: I was walking home from the bus stop (it was about 9+ by the way) and was crossing this road leading out of a hotel, and this stupid car decided to turn in WITHOUT SIGNALLING while I was crossing the road. The road wasn't very narrow... It was quite big, so I had to run to get out of the way while it horned its way through. Geez, if I didn't know better I'd think the driver was trying to kill me. Or he was drunk. Or he just didn't know what SIGNALLING was for. If he even knew what it was...
Do I look unlikeable?: Okay, qn for the day. Was thinking about it... and then crossed another road, and halfway through, this bus which was passing by me (not across my path) suddenly horned. After crossing the road I turned back and realised that there wasn't a car in front of the bus, so that means that it was horning at me, right? But I wasn't doing anything! I wasn't even strolling across the road. I was walking at my normal speed, so there shouldn't have been a reason for the bus to horn at me, right? Right? Maybe I just look very 'qian bian', so the bus driver decided to horn at me to show his displeasure. Or maybe he/she was just PMS-ing... I was quite sleepy when I got off the bus, but after the two encounters, my eyes refused to close until I got to the safety of my house. Where I promtly got scolded. Whee. How fun.
Signing off... ...