Thursday, 10 November 2005

Bad to worse

Hey all!! ^^;; Yep! *walks through cobwebs and brushes them off* I'm back, again. ^^ Ah well. There's been a lot of stuff... but if I were to talk about them all I'll like flood the entire place... so... I ended up writing this in class instead... ^^;; I know it's very haphazard, as usual... but... *sigh* Whatever...

5 o'clock, 6 o'clock, 7 o'clock.
in a corner
Smiles, Laughter and
"Talk more!"

7 o'clock, 8 o'clock, 9 o'clock.
Inssistent chatter,
with futile efforts to enter conversation.
Laughter, Smiles and
a slight Frown.

Some rambles...

School teacher: OMG one of my tutors is a former SC girl!!! @.@ And she's like really cool-- Was a director before, and one of the FEW tutors I feel comfortable listening to~ =)=) But err... *coughs* I was slightly scared of her ^^;; When it was my turn to say something I froze up totally even though I knew what I was going to say. 3 little words. And she heard something different cause of my freeze-up. =( Wahhh I'll never be able to face this world again!!

And I'm so glad to say she's not homophobic ;) Liberal, yeah.

GOF: YEAH YEAH YEAH 1 MORE WEEK!!!! *bounces around* I'm going with Ying Ying to watch it after school-- (which is like rather late... but WHO CARES!! IT'S GOF!!!)

Signing off... ...

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