Friday, 16 June 2006

Silent Hill and Boat Quay

Fishes: Okay, like err, I don't believe I've 'fish'ed this many times in 2 days before... Fished at least a million times yesterday because of my onslaught of gastric, and another million times today when I sent an sms to the subject of a message instead of the intended recipient. Gosh, _that_ was embarassing. -_-" Fished my entire way home after that.

Silent Hill plot: Okay, went to watch the movie, but err, the grossly pictures grossed me out. Let's just say 20 minutes into the movie I suddenly remembered why I don't watch horror movies. My asthma. Like, gosh, how can one forget about something like that??? -_-" Dumb people do that, apparently. But it didn't turn out bad. It was quite sad, but alright. Not really that shocking, like the kind that has stuff jumping out at you. This had a bit more of a dumb plot.

Fav character: Oh, and the character I liked died. -_-" Happens all the time doesn't it. Oh, thank you so much. For goodness sake, she was like, intelligent and sweet! Why do they _always_ have to kill those nice characters off? Still think that she and the main character would look really cute together, but perhaps that's just me. But she is really cool. Too good for the main character actually. She actually died for the main character!! And her famous line, though filled with a bit of vulgarity, sounded really cute coming from her =P

Main character: But the main character of the show was like ultra dumb. The dumbest person I have ever seen actually. If I could I would have thrown something at her and made sure I aimed for her head. HELLO like there's supposed to be _something_ in that skull of yours!! What did you do to it, throw it out the window before the movie started?? -_-" Gosh.

Others: Yeah, well, other stuff happened today too, but I shan't blog about those. Let's just say Boat Quay looks rather nice when the lights come on and it's a really good place to talk. And hear soccer fans screaming their lungs out.

Signing off... ...

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