Sunday, 11 June 2006

Rose and air-con

Random post.
The air-con switches itself on,
And I feel the cold air rush in,
Its icy-cold wings spreading themselves around me.

The switch is un-locatable,
And my limbs s l o w l y
Start to freeze.

"Are you alright?"
I hear a voice-
And yet the damned smile spreads and I nod.

No one notices,
Or even feels the cold,
And yet
I continue to freeze,
The ice-cold seeping into my bones.

I hope fervently
for the warmth they feel to spread
to my numbing limbs,
though I know it futile.

As the machine runs on,
Past efforts to recover
Slip past my conscience.

Rose: Heheh... someone showed me this link to a video and a guide on how to create paper roses... If any of you guys are interested, the link's and After I created it I took some photos and looked at them... One particular photo reminded me of the love rhombus for some odd reason... So I just took the photo and splashed one line on ^^;; Yepz, here it is, for the love rhombus (though probably only 1 of you guys will see it here):

Missing you guys.
Signing off... ...

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