Friday, 9 April 2010

Poem: The Sky

I haven't updated in SOOOOOOO long... And I haven't written any poems in probably just as long =X

Anyway, I suddenly got an inspiration the other day on the way to school... After so many months ^^;;

This is especially dedicated to Manda, Clar and Chris... And any of my other friends who feel that they can connect with this poem =) Heh...

The Sky

You are the one who will always be there;
The one who quietly listens, and
The one who does not judge.

You have your days;
Sometimes clear,
. Sometimes Covered with White Clouds, or
. . Covered with Gray Clouds, or
. . . . Bothered by thunderstorms.

But you will always be there,
Behind the rain,
Behind those clouds,
Behind the passing trees,
Behind the gloomy, four walls of the room I have to face

I may not be able to see you all the time,
But I take comfort
In knowing that you are always still there;
Always ready to greet me.

People may change,
People may grow distant, and
People may betray others.

But you
Will always be on my side,
Will always listen,
Will never judge.

And I take comfort in your presence.

Signing off... ...


Anonymous said...

the poem is so sweet! can i copy and post in my blog too (crediting to you of course!!)

おい said...
