Wednesday, 14 May 2008

When the going gets tough... ...

When the going gets tough: Do you get days when you have to stay back at work cause you have a lot of things to do, and have to be done soon? Impending datelines that you have to fulfill that come at you all of a sudden and force you to give your full attention to it?

People who work in the IT line (and probably other lines too) should have more than enough experience with that.

On days like that when you get emotionally tired and stressed, wouldn't you love to just listen to music and relax after that, or receive encouragement or some form of push from the people close to you? Or otherwise, just for them to leave you alone so that you can handle yourself and your responsibilities without any extra stress?

I do. Usually I hope for the last because it's too rare for me to get any of the other choices. Except from some people, whom I sincerely am grateful for (oh, how I enjoy talking to those who always emit that positive aura whenever I've got a lot on my hands)

Tough + Tough days: On terrible days like those, don't you just positively hate it when people start scolding you for staying late, telling you that you're supposed to do this and that, and that you don't manage your time well, basically that it's because of something you do that caused you to have to stay late (those that give you the impression that they're saying it's your fault that you're staying late, and that something you're doing is wrong instead of moving forward) Or when you bump into those people that start blaming everything and everyone one around you for your predicament. (oh, I know some people prefer this option. I'm just not one of them.)

If it's online I'll probably just ignore that person (know how they say you shouldn't focus on the negative stuff yo?), but when it's not as simple as closing a window, it really just tortures you to have to listen to that person (given a choice I wouldn't), and piles up on your emotional stress (sometimes more so than the work is giving you). Especially when you know what they're saying isn't true, and you're just way too tired to bother arguing with them.

When it gets too much for me and that person is really going too far, I will ignore them anyway, regardless. Or just put up a front for them, until it tides over (if I'm way over my tolerance level this never happens though).

My colleague and I were talking about how we seem to have people doing that to us during our worst times, and how it seriously gets on our nerves. I'm grateful for the consistent encouragement that comes in the form of your colleagues though. ^^

Moving on: As they say, "When the going gets tough, the tough get going".

It's misleading what the 'tough' part really encompasses sometimes, though.

Signing off... ...
Ah well.

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