Sunday, 26 August 2007

Natsu Matsuri 2007

Natsu Matsuri: Much-awaited Natsu Matsuri arrived... After having watched 7 years of anime that showed this kinda thing and got me all wanting to go, 6 years of knowing about it but never getting the chance to attend, and another 8 months after receiving a yukata.

I thought that this post would be long at first, but the first time I wrote it, it only consisted of two sentences -_-" If you'd like more details about how it was like, you might probably wanna click my friend "Skye"'s link on the left hand side, cause you'll probably be disappointed in my post. ^^;;

Hmm. Well... I really can't think of anything... So, I guess to sum up the entire trip: I liked the dancing.


Told you you'd be disappointed.

Others: K I actually have another outing that I had that I wanted to blog too..? But that'll have to wait... Till I have the time to blog again.

Signing off... ...

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