Test, again: Hm, when I did the animal test again a month ago or so I got a slightly different result......
You were almost a: Chipmunk or a Lamb
You are least like a: Bear Cub or a Puppy
Cosplay: WHEE!!! Cosplay coming up again!! As in, in a group~ OMG can't wait~~~ Will be doing Bleach with Skye and Ignited for EoY... As for Cosfest... I guess I'll just go with Howl... Gah, a Howl without earrings... and without a Sophie... ='( Hope I don't screw it up this time...... Need to dig my previous golden chain out again for my necklace...
Camp: Prep camp will be this wed... till sat, then the real camp will be on the 6th... Omg, busy busy busy... Don't really know whether I'm looking forward to camp or not ^^;;; Throat screwing up again... >_<>
Slippers: Heheh, I suddenly got 2 new slippers that look... well, like they're meant to be worn out. In other words, girly. Hm. One of them is okay ^^;; the other one I'm bringing to camp... OMG the horror... It's a flip flop you know!! *dies* It's gonna be ubber uncomfortable. And noisy. Gah.
My hair: WAH I went for a haircut and it's now SHORT!! Crap!!! And like ALL my rebonded hair is like cut off. But at least it looks better than before sec 4... All my close friends and sec school friends will know... And jap class friends... Gosh, but at least it's err, slightly tie-able (is there even such a word??). It's like wavy everywhere and pong-ing everywhere. Never had short hair since what, primary 2? And I can still remember my teachers' reactions: "Angeline, did you perm your hair??", "Angeline, you know that perming is not allowed right?" Oh gosh. Let's hope history doesn't repeat itself...
My results: Err, got my results back... =S Was in trauma and shock... And so disappointed with myself... I got a B and a B+... Which means my Grade Point Average (GPA) got reduced from 4 to 3.8+ (the higher the better)... And I'm the worst out of my friends who got 4 last sem too... But after much scoldings and encouragement (from 'manda) I've decided... I'M GONNA COME BACK STRONG THE NEXT SEM AND (although I know I can never be at the top again) STOP SLACKING!! SCREW THEM!! SCREW THOSE WHO PUT ME DOWN!! I'M COMIN BACK!! >_<
Signing off... ...
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