I had lots of things to say, but now... just can't remember them...
Overlapping emotions-
Anger, uphappiness, confusion, resignation...
Contentment, joy, disappointment.
Confusing mixture, isn't it?
OG: I feel that everyone isn't able to find time to go out together anymore... But never mind. I've had memories, saddening, and much more happy, memorable ones... Lobstering in macs, finding neoprint machines that can fit all of us... nightly mass conversations... Attempts in flying kites... And the arcade. Made lots of great friends too... Had lots more to say, but can't remember more than half of it, so I shan't bother...
Ex, and current SC pple: No, I haven't forgotten you... Haven't forgotten 6SY (surprise, surprise), 1/5, 2GY, 3PE and 4PE... anything before that is a blur... except for 4SY and 5SY... My memory only starts from there... when I 'officially' got into the anime world...
Memorable people => the usual recess anime gang. Will never forget you guys... my first step out of being anti-social... and the start of my memories... JS: For being really nice and sitting next to me in sec 1, and giving me lots and lots of great memories... Skye: How the heck can I forget you? It's purely impossible... Starting off bickering, then became good friends... cosplayed together... worked together... Won't ever forget you. HY: Slashing good times. Won't ever forget them. Thanx for sitting next to me in sec4. ^^ 'Manda Fay AKA Allamanda: Influenced you in a lot of things, like anime, cosplay... heh. But at least you got to know a new friend, and... *cough* Never mind... Cyberfair team: No, I haven't forgotten any of you!! Had the best time ever man! If only I had more pictures of us together... Jeff and Sam: Thank you so much for listening to me rattle sometimes and complain... and for giving advice and cheering me up (sometimes unconsciously) Wanxin, Limin, Melody: Thanks for hearing me crap on certain days... and not getting irritated. ^-^ Rachel: you do get irritated with me sometimes, I think... Thanks for the advice you give me some of the times... Meiling and Pei Yu: My first two friends I made in my CT. ^^ Great girls... Thanks for... well, being so patient with me even though I have this bad habit of running off everytime I see my OG and for blocking the teacher's view when I dont do my homework... heh.
No, no, I'm not doing anything stupid or running off or anything like that... just in a slightly odd mood right now... Sorry... really pointless update...
Signing off... ..
Monday, 31 January 2005
Thursday, 27 January 2005
Something wicked this way comes!
Double, double, toil and trouble
Fire burn and cauldron bubble
Double, double, toil and trouble
Eye of newt and toe of frog...
Wool of bat and tongue of dog...
Addler's fork and blind worms' sting,
Lizard legs and owlet's wings!!
Double, double, toil and trouble
Fire burn and cauldron bubble
Double, double, toil and trouble
Fire burn and cauldron... bubble!
Fire burn and cauldron bubble
Double, double, toil and trouble
Eye of newt and toe of frog...
Wool of bat and tongue of dog...
Addler's fork and blind worms' sting,
Lizard legs and owlet's wings!!
Double, double, toil and trouble
Fire burn and cauldron bubble
Double, double, toil and trouble
Fire burn and cauldron... bubble!
~Harry Potter 3~
... Heya. That was quite random. Not without reason, of course. I was thinking about my rather unlucky day, and this song (which I love, by the way) started playing, and kind of cheered me up. ^^ So I decided to put it in my blog. I would play it as my background music but it's really short, and it would probably irritate all of you... heh.
Suay: This morning I was sitting next to Uncle during Physics. I was on the furthermost right, and Peng Loong, followed by two other guys and then Kevin were sitting on Uncle's left. They decided to start playing tic-tac-toe and then invited me to play. I wanted to turn it down at first, but when I saw them draw crosses and triangles on the paper, my hand got itchy so I took my pencil and drew a star. They passed the paper down so that each person would draw something until it reached Kevin, but before Kevin got a chance to draw on the paper, this teacher came and caught us. Wah. Our names and classes were taken down and I freaked for the rest of the lecture.
Punishment: In the end, we were made to do the tutorial by Monday as punishment (even though they hadn't finished teaching the chapter), and poor Peng Loong was made to do an essay on Isac Newton because he 'talked back'. Stupid, really. The teacher asked stupid questions like 'why were you all playing?' All Peng Loong did was answer truthfully, (and, in my opinion, made the teacher look stupid in the process) and he was doubly punished. If they didn't expect an answer, don't ask it! Geez... But it was funny. The teacher looked quite confused... Heheheh... ^_~ Been guai all along, so I thought it was quite fun to see PL answer the teacher truthfully and fuel his/her anger... Very amusing indeed... Heh. The bad side of it though, is that we have to finish the tutorial... OMG, if even Kevin and PL can't do it, I'm gonna die...
Lessons and sweets: Very boring... Mr Chua shouldn't use the mike!! It just makes his voice sleep-inducing. It would be SOOOO much better if he didn't use it. It's not that he's boring, it's just that the tone is... ... I don't know how to describe it... just thinking about it makes me sleepy. I popped over 5 sweets into my mouth in an attempt to keep myself awake, but it wasn't much use. My classmate suggested pinching myself, so I spent the last half of the lesson pinching myself. Wah. The pains I go through to try not to fall asleep...
Petanque: It was quite okay... ^^ It seemed as though I improved during the drills but after that, as we practiced, my skills and judgement deproved. Oh well. But I made a new friend, and talked to this guy in my CT, who's also in petanque. ^^
CT: Tomorrow is Hui Xin's birthday... And the first time our CT will be going out together... Not everyone's able to go, though, as expected, but I'll get to para! ^-^ It's gonna be fun, I hope. (I feel somewhat OG-sick, if there's such a thing... I miss my OG...)
OG: Gonna get our OG T-shirt done soon. ^^ Can't wait to get it... Don't own any polo t-shirts so I'm looking forward to it... and we can go out together with it one day. ^^ And the next outing!!! MUST START DECIDING!!!
Signing off... ...
Wednesday, 26 January 2005
CT: We're currently planning for our fellow classmates' birthday thing... Cake... prezzy... And no time. We're planning to pon one lecture since not many people in our class take it and then finish early so that the CT can celebrate, eat lunch, and then go out to... shoots, I forgot what we're going to do after that... Never mind... we'll be doing _something_. Yeps.
Para: I found someone in the class who used to para too!! I'm gonna challenge him!! ^=^ Heehee... Can't wait... So fun!! And our next OG outing... Want to play like one group against another... Ooh.... Hopefully we'll get to do it!!! ^=^ *bounce bounce bounce*
Cross-country: The cross-country was in the afternoon today, and I hardly knew anyone... the only people I knew were the guys in my CT... and they're... well... ... I don't know what to say... they're different from the people in my OG... and kind of clique... I stuck to them until they told us to go toilet and come back in 10 mins... Since they are _male_ and I, female, we went different directions. When I returned, everyone was gone. Argh. Then I found this other group of lost route marshalls too, and we walked around, lost. Talked to them, but not a lot...
Official work: We found this spot near the finishing line (I stood alone) and just stood there blankly, cheering for those people I know and keeping an eye out to make sure that no one rolled down the slope or something like that... and when there was a car approaching I would just shout "GOT CAR!!!" Basically, yar, that was about it... Think I was half-blind... I didn't notice half of my OG people and my CT people... Hmm...
OG dinner: We stood at the bus stop, watching the buses pass us by, and after some time, we finally boarded a not-packed bus, (which became packed after the whole bunch of NYJCians boarded) and then headed for J8. We ate at Food Junction, and as usual, took neoprints. Bei Jia took so long to eat I almost fell asleep... We ended around 9 + and I took the MRT with Peng Loong. When I reached home, I got warned for coming back so late... Wah. I better watch myself before I get banned from going out...
Next OG outing: The following one will be NUMBER 10!!! Can't wait man!! Hopefully it'll be soon...
Para: I found someone in the class who used to para too!! I'm gonna challenge him!! ^=^ Heehee... Can't wait... So fun!! And our next OG outing... Want to play like one group against another... Ooh.... Hopefully we'll get to do it!!! ^=^ *bounce bounce bounce*
Cross-country: The cross-country was in the afternoon today, and I hardly knew anyone... the only people I knew were the guys in my CT... and they're... well... ... I don't know what to say... they're different from the people in my OG... and kind of clique... I stuck to them until they told us to go toilet and come back in 10 mins... Since they are _male_ and I, female, we went different directions. When I returned, everyone was gone. Argh. Then I found this other group of lost route marshalls too, and we walked around, lost. Talked to them, but not a lot...
Official work: We found this spot near the finishing line (I stood alone) and just stood there blankly, cheering for those people I know and keeping an eye out to make sure that no one rolled down the slope or something like that... and when there was a car approaching I would just shout "GOT CAR!!!" Basically, yar, that was about it... Think I was half-blind... I didn't notice half of my OG people and my CT people... Hmm...
OG dinner: We stood at the bus stop, watching the buses pass us by, and after some time, we finally boarded a not-packed bus, (which became packed after the whole bunch of NYJCians boarded) and then headed for J8. We ate at Food Junction, and as usual, took neoprints. Bei Jia took so long to eat I almost fell asleep... We ended around 9 + and I took the MRT with Peng Loong. When I reached home, I got warned for coming back so late... Wah. I better watch myself before I get banned from going out...
Next OG outing: The following one will be NUMBER 10!!! Can't wait man!! Hopefully it'll be soon...
Monday, 24 January 2005
Random thought...
I was walking home tonight, and when I looked up I saw this really bright full moon in the sky. As I kept staring at it, I started thinking about some stuff...

Sunset. What comes to mind? A particular scene in a movie, perhaps? Don't you find it cliche to have happy endings in fairy tales where the princess finds her 'prince charming' and then "ride off into the sunset"?
Think about it. Sure, when you're stationary and looking at the couple through the camera on television, you think it looks spectacular, that it's romantic, but have you ever thought about if you were the 'prince' or 'princess' instead of just a spectator? How would it feel?
The sun is in front of you, but you know you'll never be able to reach it, and seriously, nor do you really wish to. You can keep riding and riding it forever, but sooner or later the sun will set, and you'll be engulfed in darkness.
Which led me to think... if darkness follows after sunset, why is it thought of as a 'happy ending'? Why not use... a sunrise or something? It sure seems more promising, to have your road in light, where you can look forward without fear. It seems more cheerful too, doesn't it?
Odd, really. The people who invented it were probably too lazy to wake up early in the morning... or by the time they finished writing the story it's evening... so they thought it would be more appropriate to have a sunset instead of a sunrise...
Laziness. Sounds like me.
Signing off... ...
Sunset. What comes to mind? A particular scene in a movie, perhaps? Don't you find it cliche to have happy endings in fairy tales where the princess finds her 'prince charming' and then "ride off into the sunset"?
Think about it. Sure, when you're stationary and looking at the couple through the camera on television, you think it looks spectacular, that it's romantic, but have you ever thought about if you were the 'prince' or 'princess' instead of just a spectator? How would it feel?
The sun is in front of you, but you know you'll never be able to reach it, and seriously, nor do you really wish to. You can keep riding and riding it forever, but sooner or later the sun will set, and you'll be engulfed in darkness.
Which led me to think... if darkness follows after sunset, why is it thought of as a 'happy ending'? Why not use... a sunrise or something? It sure seems more promising, to have your road in light, where you can look forward without fear. It seems more cheerful too, doesn't it?
Odd, really. The people who invented it were probably too lazy to wake up early in the morning... or by the time they finished writing the story it's evening... so they thought it would be more appropriate to have a sunset instead of a sunrise...
Laziness. Sounds like me.
Signing off... ...
Saturday, 22 January 2005
Fly kite! ^^
Today's entry is about today's OG outing!!! ^^ Very fun~~
Fly kite: This afternoon we were supposed to meet at 1pm... As usual, only Kevin and I were on time... and Kevin came before me, again. I thought I was going to be late... but the rest only started pouring in like 10 to 15 min after I came... (I was just on time)... At about 1.35 everyone finally was present so we left to take a bus to the place where we were going to fly the kite. The bus came, and some of the guys were too lazy to run for it. But after an old woman ran past us for the bus, everyone started running. (dun ask me why) Anyway, we got on, and headed for the place. We bought 4 kites at 2.50 each and then went to fly kite. After over half an hour, I got my hands on one of the kites, only to find that I had no idea how to fly it. Then Li Min, Uncle and I went to ask this kind uncle for help. He helped us fly the kite, and it flew so high it was about the same height as the aeroplanes! It was so cool... then after that Peng Loong was very determined to fly his broken kite, but to no avail... At about 3.15 we let the kite go, and left the rest of the kites there, deciding to find a place to rest instead.
Arcade: I started bugging everyone to go to the arcade nearest to the field, but in the end they headed for the other arcade (which had much less games, and no para machine). Most of them started playing the car racing game, and Jeff and I played the drum game. After playing for some time and bugging them some more, I finally found someone who was interested to go over to the other arcade. So Kevin and I started walking over and the rest soon followed. As soon as we reached there, we tried finding a DDR machine cause Kevin wanted to play it, but there wasn't any... So, I set my eyes on the para machine instead.
Para: I tried my best to get everyone to play it, but qutie a few people only played it once (like Dean), and I didn't manage to get Bei Jia to play it... =( I kind of got Kevin and Sam addicted to it, unintentionally of course, and they started hogging the machine. ^^;;; Not that I was any better... I played quite a bit too... Sorry everyone!! Anyway, we played for quite a long while, and soon, the 1st to 8th (?) positions were filled with 'OG26'. We paused a while to play some other games, and then I had this urge to play freestyle, so the craze started agian... ^^;;; It was really fun and people like Kevin seem to have talent for this kind of thing. Chun Boon, Peng Loong, Darryl and Jeff were also good... Uncle failed the first game and then practically got A for everything else. Li Min also got an A... Like wow... I remember my first game was a C... ^^;;; Unfortunately, I didn't get any double S's today like I usually do... But it was great fun!!! ^^ Next time I must get them to play again... this time probably at the PS one... so can use two machines at once and everyone will get a chance to play... More than once. ^^ There also got DDR... Heheh... Am looking forward to it now...
PS: After playing para, we headed down to PS for dinner at Long John's and then took some neoprints... I looked ultra weird with my hair down, but my japanese skills finally came in use!! ^^ A little.. Like I told them where the eraser and the pen buttons were... ^^;;;;;; At least I was useful!!! After taking the neoprints we went to cut them, and this poor couple wanted to use the scissors but we were hogging it... Even after we finished the essential cutting Jeff and Dean continued to hog it and the couple walked away (to take some more neoprints?) Like, whoops. ^^ After that, we headed for the MRT to go back home!! ^^
Homework: Wah. I hate that word. Dean keeps pressurizing all of us during the mass conversations... I will start doing mine... soon. Maybe tomorrow.
Signing off... ...
Fly kite: This afternoon we were supposed to meet at 1pm... As usual, only Kevin and I were on time... and Kevin came before me, again. I thought I was going to be late... but the rest only started pouring in like 10 to 15 min after I came... (I was just on time)... At about 1.35 everyone finally was present so we left to take a bus to the place where we were going to fly the kite. The bus came, and some of the guys were too lazy to run for it. But after an old woman ran past us for the bus, everyone started running. (dun ask me why) Anyway, we got on, and headed for the place. We bought 4 kites at 2.50 each and then went to fly kite. After over half an hour, I got my hands on one of the kites, only to find that I had no idea how to fly it. Then Li Min, Uncle and I went to ask this kind uncle for help. He helped us fly the kite, and it flew so high it was about the same height as the aeroplanes! It was so cool... then after that Peng Loong was very determined to fly his broken kite, but to no avail... At about 3.15 we let the kite go, and left the rest of the kites there, deciding to find a place to rest instead.
Arcade: I started bugging everyone to go to the arcade nearest to the field, but in the end they headed for the other arcade (which had much less games, and no para machine). Most of them started playing the car racing game, and Jeff and I played the drum game. After playing for some time and bugging them some more, I finally found someone who was interested to go over to the other arcade. So Kevin and I started walking over and the rest soon followed. As soon as we reached there, we tried finding a DDR machine cause Kevin wanted to play it, but there wasn't any... So, I set my eyes on the para machine instead.
Para: I tried my best to get everyone to play it, but qutie a few people only played it once (like Dean), and I didn't manage to get Bei Jia to play it... =( I kind of got Kevin and Sam addicted to it, unintentionally of course, and they started hogging the machine. ^^;;; Not that I was any better... I played quite a bit too... Sorry everyone!! Anyway, we played for quite a long while, and soon, the 1st to 8th (?) positions were filled with 'OG26'. We paused a while to play some other games, and then I had this urge to play freestyle, so the craze started agian... ^^;;; It was really fun and people like Kevin seem to have talent for this kind of thing. Chun Boon, Peng Loong, Darryl and Jeff were also good... Uncle failed the first game and then practically got A for everything else. Li Min also got an A... Like wow... I remember my first game was a C... ^^;;; Unfortunately, I didn't get any double S's today like I usually do... But it was great fun!!! ^^ Next time I must get them to play again... this time probably at the PS one... so can use two machines at once and everyone will get a chance to play... More than once. ^^ There also got DDR... Heheh... Am looking forward to it now...
PS: After playing para, we headed down to PS for dinner at Long John's and then took some neoprints... I looked ultra weird with my hair down, but my japanese skills finally came in use!! ^^ A little.. Like I told them where the eraser and the pen buttons were... ^^;;;;;; At least I was useful!!! After taking the neoprints we went to cut them, and this poor couple wanted to use the scissors but we were hogging it... Even after we finished the essential cutting Jeff and Dean continued to hog it and the couple walked away (to take some more neoprints?) Like, whoops. ^^ After that, we headed for the MRT to go back home!! ^^
Homework: Wah. I hate that word. Dean keeps pressurizing all of us during the mass conversations... I will start doing mine... soon. Maybe tomorrow.
Signing off... ...
Thursday, 20 January 2005
Bad... and good.
Sorry, for this entry I'm just gonna rant, so you can ignore it if you want to.
Yesterday: I've cooled down now, but I was really damn pissed and upset and frustrated yesterday. Bei Jia suggested that we could go out for dinner together after seeing Sam's soccer match, and so I agreed. I got Jeff to help and we went round telling people about it. Kevin, Peng Loong, Uncle, Li Min, Shu Xian, Bei Jia, Jeff and I were supposed to go. Dean, Kelvin and someone else, I think, were unconfirmed. Sounds like a lot of people right? Yeah. I smsed my mum and told her that I was eating dinner out and there was no need to prepare my food. Seems like I was the only one who thought it was logical to do that.
Anyway, that aside, I reached the grandstand at about 4 and the game started not soon after. Quite some time later (with no goals), Kevin, Peng Loong, Uncle, Li Min and Jeff came. I had been extra tired the whole day, and was really looking forward to going out with the OG for dinner. After they heard that Sam was not going (I heard from WX that Sam was going out for dinner with his teammates) they started to want to leave. I tried to get them to stay, and even resorted to holding onto Uncle's bag, but Kevin and Peng Loong only took that chance to run off. After Uncle and Li Min explained that they had something on, I reluctantly let them go, only to return back to my seat to face Jeff who kept saying he wanted to go home too once every few minutes. By that time, I was sick of hearing that line. But Jeff was nice. Even though he said he wanted to go home, he still stayed in the end anyway.
After the four left, we sat and waited for Dean and Bei Jia for a few hours, with Shu Xian coming in somewhere in between. Then when everyone finally got together, Bei Jia called her mum, and then came to tell us that her mum cooked her dinner already. (At that time it was already almost 8.) The place we wanted to eat dinner at was too far for Dean, so Dean didn't go. Ironically, Sam saw us and decided to abandon his teammates to go out with us. So, all those who were supposed to go (save for Jeff and I) did not go, and the one person who 'supposedly' could not go, went.
In the end, there were only the three of us left. I know Sam and Jeff wanted to go home, and I only got sadder. Since I already told my mum not to prepare my dinner, I had to settle my dinner on my own anyway. After a while, my reaction to hearing the words 'Let's go home and eat instead' changed from agitated to passive. I think Sam and Jeff noticed, and decided to accompany me for dinner. Needless to say, when I returned home, I was really upset, especially with a few certain people. But at least I learned something: Our OGLs are the best!
Today: This morning I dreaded coming to school. On top of the long day (approximately 7am to 8pm of activities) I did not really want to face my OG after yesterday. I could feel the stress returning everytime I thought about the incident. I left the house early so that I could reach school before 7, but apparently, the bus I take every morning on a normal day is the first bus. I waited from 6am to approximately 6.25 and took my normal bus in the end. During duty, I felt like an idiot following the senior around, and only carried the announcement stand to and fro. Wasn't much of a good start. Then during tutorials and lectures, I had to use all my energy to keep my eyes open. Hence, nothing went in. Even if it did it probably went in one ear and out the other.
Got bullied: I got closer to my CT, and during the one hour break I had after 'Contact time' I went with them to the library with no one else to hang out with. William had just been elected as the 'welfare rep' and somehow or another he ended up with the CNY decorations competition paper. He wanted us to discuss it, but he and Weida ganged up against me and kept bullying me. This added to the bitter feeling that was already lingering from morning/yesterday (?) and I got quite irritated. William would go off topic or start talking to some guy sitting behind him (Anirudth) and when i try to get him back on track he would say 'As the Welfare rep, I have to remind you that this is a library and you have to lower your volume' or something along those lines. And when he is actually talking about the CNY deco thing, he would always end up saying 'As the Welfare rep, I have to tell you that you, as the CT rep, have to... (can't remember the exact words, but it was something about doing the proposal for the competition)' with strong empasis on the first 4 words. Not surprisingly, we hardly got anything done.
OG outing I knew nothing of: I felt much better by the time I saw my OG again in the afternoon, and I decided not to take it to heart. However, everything surfaced again when I OVERHEARD some people in my OG talking about the 'dinner' that they were supposed to have after the Pegasus meeting. I don't know whether I was supposed to be surprised, but no one told me anything about it. Then I think Jeff asked Sam something about the outing, and Sam turned to look at me and mentioned something (which I forgot, but it was something to do with him noticing that I was pissed) and I tried to look as if I didn't understand.
Sam: I think Sam was the only one who noticed that I was upset, and tried to cheer me up. Thanks a lot ah pa!! ^^ I really really appreciate it!! You guys (OGLs) rule man!! ^^
Petanque: Wasn't a good day, adding to the fact that I had just come out of lessons on the verge of sleeping, and so I wasn't looking forward to it. Halfway through GP, my only friend from Petanque I made the week before smsed me to tell me that she was going to Toa Payoh with another classmate, so I had to go alone. I freaked because I only remembered the number of the bus to take and not the bus stop. So I trusted my peabrain and just walked to the bus stop I thought was correct. Just to make sure, I confirmed with the bus driver (after tapping my EZ link card, which was plain stupid) and then took a seat. I noticed 2 J2s in the Petanque T-shirt, and scared myself half to death when they didn't get off at the bus stop I did. I reached the place almost half-an-hour early and found no one there at all. So I loitered around the place and smsed a Petanque senior to clarify whether or not I was in the right place. After some time, people started appearing and practice started. It was thankfully more fun than I thought it'd be. Made a few new friends, and my sleepiness dissipated after a short while. My throwing was _quite_ bad today, but there was improvement, so all in all it was okay. ^^
Okay... so I've been really rattling on... sorry, yar. You may ignore this entry if you wish, but I just needed some place to let it out. Yepz. If you've been reading, thanks.
Signing off... ...
Yesterday: I've cooled down now, but I was really damn pissed and upset and frustrated yesterday. Bei Jia suggested that we could go out for dinner together after seeing Sam's soccer match, and so I agreed. I got Jeff to help and we went round telling people about it. Kevin, Peng Loong, Uncle, Li Min, Shu Xian, Bei Jia, Jeff and I were supposed to go. Dean, Kelvin and someone else, I think, were unconfirmed. Sounds like a lot of people right? Yeah. I smsed my mum and told her that I was eating dinner out and there was no need to prepare my food. Seems like I was the only one who thought it was logical to do that.
Anyway, that aside, I reached the grandstand at about 4 and the game started not soon after. Quite some time later (with no goals), Kevin, Peng Loong, Uncle, Li Min and Jeff came. I had been extra tired the whole day, and was really looking forward to going out with the OG for dinner. After they heard that Sam was not going (I heard from WX that Sam was going out for dinner with his teammates) they started to want to leave. I tried to get them to stay, and even resorted to holding onto Uncle's bag, but Kevin and Peng Loong only took that chance to run off. After Uncle and Li Min explained that they had something on, I reluctantly let them go, only to return back to my seat to face Jeff who kept saying he wanted to go home too once every few minutes. By that time, I was sick of hearing that line. But Jeff was nice. Even though he said he wanted to go home, he still stayed in the end anyway.
After the four left, we sat and waited for Dean and Bei Jia for a few hours, with Shu Xian coming in somewhere in between. Then when everyone finally got together, Bei Jia called her mum, and then came to tell us that her mum cooked her dinner already. (At that time it was already almost 8.) The place we wanted to eat dinner at was too far for Dean, so Dean didn't go. Ironically, Sam saw us and decided to abandon his teammates to go out with us. So, all those who were supposed to go (save for Jeff and I) did not go, and the one person who 'supposedly' could not go, went.
In the end, there were only the three of us left. I know Sam and Jeff wanted to go home, and I only got sadder. Since I already told my mum not to prepare my dinner, I had to settle my dinner on my own anyway. After a while, my reaction to hearing the words 'Let's go home and eat instead' changed from agitated to passive. I think Sam and Jeff noticed, and decided to accompany me for dinner. Needless to say, when I returned home, I was really upset, especially with a few certain people. But at least I learned something: Our OGLs are the best!
Today: This morning I dreaded coming to school. On top of the long day (approximately 7am to 8pm of activities) I did not really want to face my OG after yesterday. I could feel the stress returning everytime I thought about the incident. I left the house early so that I could reach school before 7, but apparently, the bus I take every morning on a normal day is the first bus. I waited from 6am to approximately 6.25 and took my normal bus in the end. During duty, I felt like an idiot following the senior around, and only carried the announcement stand to and fro. Wasn't much of a good start. Then during tutorials and lectures, I had to use all my energy to keep my eyes open. Hence, nothing went in. Even if it did it probably went in one ear and out the other.
Got bullied: I got closer to my CT, and during the one hour break I had after 'Contact time' I went with them to the library with no one else to hang out with. William had just been elected as the 'welfare rep' and somehow or another he ended up with the CNY decorations competition paper. He wanted us to discuss it, but he and Weida ganged up against me and kept bullying me. This added to the bitter feeling that was already lingering from morning/yesterday (?) and I got quite irritated. William would go off topic or start talking to some guy sitting behind him (Anirudth) and when i try to get him back on track he would say 'As the Welfare rep, I have to remind you that this is a library and you have to lower your volume' or something along those lines. And when he is actually talking about the CNY deco thing, he would always end up saying 'As the Welfare rep, I have to tell you that you, as the CT rep, have to... (can't remember the exact words, but it was something about doing the proposal for the competition)' with strong empasis on the first 4 words. Not surprisingly, we hardly got anything done.
OG outing I knew nothing of: I felt much better by the time I saw my OG again in the afternoon, and I decided not to take it to heart. However, everything surfaced again when I OVERHEARD some people in my OG talking about the 'dinner' that they were supposed to have after the Pegasus meeting. I don't know whether I was supposed to be surprised, but no one told me anything about it. Then I think Jeff asked Sam something about the outing, and Sam turned to look at me and mentioned something (which I forgot, but it was something to do with him noticing that I was pissed) and I tried to look as if I didn't understand.
Sam: I think Sam was the only one who noticed that I was upset, and tried to cheer me up. Thanks a lot ah pa!! ^^ I really really appreciate it!! You guys (OGLs) rule man!! ^^
Petanque: Wasn't a good day, adding to the fact that I had just come out of lessons on the verge of sleeping, and so I wasn't looking forward to it. Halfway through GP, my only friend from Petanque I made the week before smsed me to tell me that she was going to Toa Payoh with another classmate, so I had to go alone. I freaked because I only remembered the number of the bus to take and not the bus stop. So I trusted my peabrain and just walked to the bus stop I thought was correct. Just to make sure, I confirmed with the bus driver (after tapping my EZ link card, which was plain stupid) and then took a seat. I noticed 2 J2s in the Petanque T-shirt, and scared myself half to death when they didn't get off at the bus stop I did. I reached the place almost half-an-hour early and found no one there at all. So I loitered around the place and smsed a Petanque senior to clarify whether or not I was in the right place. After some time, people started appearing and practice started. It was thankfully more fun than I thought it'd be. Made a few new friends, and my sleepiness dissipated after a short while. My throwing was _quite_ bad today, but there was improvement, so all in all it was okay. ^^
Okay... so I've been really rattling on... sorry, yar. You may ignore this entry if you wish, but I just needed some place to let it out. Yepz. If you've been reading, thanks.
Signing off... ...
Tuesday, 18 January 2005
How could I forget??
B'day: OMG!! I'm so sorry!! I forgot to mention about RAYMUND'S B'DAY yesterday!! ^^;; Heheh... Sorry. Yeah, anyway, it was Raymund's birthday yesterday... I was quite fun... but I think a few of us ended up eating a bit of wax... heheh... I cut the cake, and there was only JUST enough (actually Melody hardly got to eat anything...) for those poeple who were present, and Shu Xian didn't even eat! I thought it was going to be a four-sided cake, but when I opened it... SURPRISE! It was a round as anything. I knew it was going to be horrible trying to cut it. Wah.
Upcoming birthday: Guess what? Another birthday coming up this month! Just one day before the cross-country, too. Imelda!! Hmm... It's been ages since I really talked to her... All I've said to her recently was 'hi', 'bye' and '$2 please!'. ^^;;;; Oh dear...
Lessons: It was okay... but slightly boring... The most interesting one was physics practical (surprise, surprise) cause it was the only subject lesson today I didn't feel like sleeping in. Heh. And my CT was really funny... kept giving the teacher stupid answers and then Yoga decided to be nice and tell her the answer... I had an answer in mind, but decided not to spoil the fun, so I just sat there and amused myself. Heheh. ^^
CT: Really nice people... The first thing they said when I saw them was 'Hello monitress', which made me want to sink into the ground or bonk them on the head... more of the latter probably. Heh. Then talked a lot to this guy called William, who was really on about bonding the CT... And this group of people are thinking a lot of the CNY decoration thingy... William's quite bian4 tai4 (perverted)... kept thinking of going doing the CNY decorations in the female toilet. I asked him what's the diff and he was like 'ladies got girls go in mah, gents is guys.' I almost bonked him. Then he said 'Aiyoh, I from boy's school mah, cannot blame me...' I'm from a girl's school and I don't get the urge to barge into the boys' toilet!! =_=;;;;; Then we had a debate, and we concluded that boys were more immature than girls... which was already a common fact. But he's a nice guy. Everyone in my CT is nice. ^^
OG: Argh. Don't get to see them too often now... I see Dean, Kevin, Uncle, Li Min n Melody the most now... The rest I do see during breaks (most of them) but it's mostly these few that I sit through lectures with. During physics and F-math... MUST ORGANISE OG OUTING SOON!!!
Signing off... ...
Upcoming birthday: Guess what? Another birthday coming up this month! Just one day before the cross-country, too. Imelda!! Hmm... It's been ages since I really talked to her... All I've said to her recently was 'hi', 'bye' and '$2 please!'. ^^;;;; Oh dear...
Lessons: It was okay... but slightly boring... The most interesting one was physics practical (surprise, surprise) cause it was the only subject lesson today I didn't feel like sleeping in. Heh. And my CT was really funny... kept giving the teacher stupid answers and then Yoga decided to be nice and tell her the answer... I had an answer in mind, but decided not to spoil the fun, so I just sat there and amused myself. Heheh. ^^
CT: Really nice people... The first thing they said when I saw them was 'Hello monitress', which made me want to sink into the ground or bonk them on the head... more of the latter probably. Heh. Then talked a lot to this guy called William, who was really on about bonding the CT... And this group of people are thinking a lot of the CNY decoration thingy... William's quite bian4 tai4 (perverted)... kept thinking of going doing the CNY decorations in the female toilet. I asked him what's the diff and he was like 'ladies got girls go in mah, gents is guys.' I almost bonked him. Then he said 'Aiyoh, I from boy's school mah, cannot blame me...' I'm from a girl's school and I don't get the urge to barge into the boys' toilet!! =_=;;;;; Then we had a debate, and we concluded that boys were more immature than girls... which was already a common fact. But he's a nice guy. Everyone in my CT is nice. ^^
OG: Argh. Don't get to see them too often now... I see Dean, Kevin, Uncle, Li Min n Melody the most now... The rest I do see during breaks (most of them) but it's mostly these few that I sit through lectures with. During physics and F-math... MUST ORGANISE OG OUTING SOON!!!
Signing off... ...
Monday, 17 January 2005
Bloggie: Yeah! Changed the layout!!! =) AND added a song. Wanted the original song but Chun Boon using it liao... so I had to search for the midi version... Not my ideal blog, but it'll do. ^^
Class rep: Guess what? Today my class elected the class reps (1 'lady' and 1 'gentleman') and I was elected the female rep. ^^ Hey, don't give me that look! Zettai gambaru kara! ^^ If you don't understand japanese, too bad. =P
After class: After GP I headed down with Meiling and Pei Yu, and as we passed by the library, I saw my OG inside! So, without much thought, I ran into the library and jumped (actually, more like tripped on my feet as I neared) Kevin and WX, who were nearest to me. Then I followed them to the computer area and started talking. After a few minutes, Pei Yu and Meiling appeared behind me, and I felt so guilty. This is like... the how manyth time already?!! Geez!! I felt so bad. I didn't expect them to wait for me... =( Sorry guys!!! Next time if I'm joining my OG I'll tell you guys first!!
OG: Anyway, then in the library, we sat down at the tables in the corner of the library and started lobstering. Talked a lot of crap, laughed a lot and made a lot of noise in the process. A girl came over to show her unhappiness, and then after that the librarian came to threaten us with her looks. After they left the volume got louder and louder and then I saw the librarian coming, so I quickly whispered to Rachel to lower her volume and I tried my best to look innocent, pretending I was thinking very hard in order to do my sums. Thankfully, she left after standing there looking angry for a few seconds. After some time, just before we could get kicked out of the library, we left. I bet you that everyone there were heaving a sigh of relief as we left.
New titles: Lame King and Queen: Dean and Bei Jia. Porn King and Queen: Kevin and Rachel. ^^ Wonder who's next...
Signing off... ...
Class rep: Guess what? Today my class elected the class reps (1 'lady' and 1 'gentleman') and I was elected the female rep. ^^ Hey, don't give me that look! Zettai gambaru kara! ^^ If you don't understand japanese, too bad. =P
After class: After GP I headed down with Meiling and Pei Yu, and as we passed by the library, I saw my OG inside! So, without much thought, I ran into the library and jumped (actually, more like tripped on my feet as I neared) Kevin and WX, who were nearest to me. Then I followed them to the computer area and started talking. After a few minutes, Pei Yu and Meiling appeared behind me, and I felt so guilty. This is like... the how manyth time already?!! Geez!! I felt so bad. I didn't expect them to wait for me... =( Sorry guys!!! Next time if I'm joining my OG I'll tell you guys first!!
OG: Anyway, then in the library, we sat down at the tables in the corner of the library and started lobstering. Talked a lot of crap, laughed a lot and made a lot of noise in the process. A girl came over to show her unhappiness, and then after that the librarian came to threaten us with her looks. After they left the volume got louder and louder and then I saw the librarian coming, so I quickly whispered to Rachel to lower her volume and I tried my best to look innocent, pretending I was thinking very hard in order to do my sums. Thankfully, she left after standing there looking angry for a few seconds. After some time, just before we could get kicked out of the library, we left. I bet you that everyone there were heaving a sigh of relief as we left.
New titles: Lame King and Queen: Dean and Bei Jia. Porn King and Queen: Kevin and Rachel. ^^ Wonder who's next...
Signing off... ...
Sunday, 16 January 2005
AVA: We didn't really do anything much, except for playing an icebreaker game (murderer). There were only four girls, comprising of Yu Rong, Siting, Rachel and me. The whole group of us were split into two groups by the seniors, and somehow or another, our OG people were in the same group! (Kevin, Chuanchen, Rach and me) We were to be brought around the school by two seniors per group, and guess what? Jeff was one of the seniors for our group! Talk about luck man! ^^ Looks like our OG is MEANT to be together. Lol.. What was that quote again? If fate decrees it be, then be it so. Or something like that. ^^
OG: After the AVA orientation, we had another OG outing yesterday, which was fun. =) We ate at Pizza Hut, AND we took a neoprint again. This time with 11 people instead of the usual 9. =) Wah, our OG (well, not all, but most of the people) is so bonded now~ ^^ I dread the day our OG will have to split, or when the OGLs can't join us anymore... =(
Something funny: Today when we went to Heartland Mall, we passed by this machine where you could take passport sized photos of youself or something like that, and WX thought it was a neoprint machine! ^^;;
Rach: Hey, thanks for your suggestion... I'll try to change the blogskin thing soon... But the stupid website is hanging on me everytime I choose a particular category that I want. Gah.
Myself: I found myself changing into someone better just a few days into orientation, and I was happy. But now, I feel that I'm starting to irritate others again, and I'm getting frustrated.
AmandA: I know you think I'm neglecting you and you're the one who's always calling me now... Sorry! But sometimes your good timing is something I can't really beat. Like when I call you you're not home, and when I'm about to go to the phone to call you and you call me before I can even step into the living room. Gah.
Cosplay: End of year I'll definitely join the SC group again, don't worry, Amanda. I would love it if you could go for the feb one, but I know you won't be able to. For one, it's expensive this time for god knows what reason. Secondly, it's on a Sat night, and thirdly, priority is given to SCC (Singapore Cosplay Club) members with a limitation of 150 places. Then for the mid-year one, Andrea has just declared that she has 'booked' me to do someone I don't know again. *glares at Andrea* But at least for the end-of-year we have the time to decide what to do and to get the materials TOGETHER. I'm not letting Amanda sew her outfit in lining again. The horror.
Cosplay dilemna: The feb one is coming up with problems in itself like cost and timing, and if that's not enough, I have no idea on who to do. I can go bang myself against the wall now. I would choose not to go, but currently Andrea is forcing me to *glares again* and I still need to get my parent's approval, which I can only do when I can talk.
Signing off... ...
OG: After the AVA orientation, we had another OG outing yesterday, which was fun. =) We ate at Pizza Hut, AND we took a neoprint again. This time with 11 people instead of the usual 9. =) Wah, our OG (well, not all, but most of the people) is so bonded now~ ^^ I dread the day our OG will have to split, or when the OGLs can't join us anymore... =(
Something funny: Today when we went to Heartland Mall, we passed by this machine where you could take passport sized photos of youself or something like that, and WX thought it was a neoprint machine! ^^;;
Rach: Hey, thanks for your suggestion... I'll try to change the blogskin thing soon... But the stupid website is hanging on me everytime I choose a particular category that I want. Gah.
Myself: I found myself changing into someone better just a few days into orientation, and I was happy. But now, I feel that I'm starting to irritate others again, and I'm getting frustrated.
AmandA: I know you think I'm neglecting you and you're the one who's always calling me now... Sorry! But sometimes your good timing is something I can't really beat. Like when I call you you're not home, and when I'm about to go to the phone to call you and you call me before I can even step into the living room. Gah.
Cosplay: End of year I'll definitely join the SC group again, don't worry, Amanda. I would love it if you could go for the feb one, but I know you won't be able to. For one, it's expensive this time for god knows what reason. Secondly, it's on a Sat night, and thirdly, priority is given to SCC (Singapore Cosplay Club) members with a limitation of 150 places. Then for the mid-year one, Andrea has just declared that she has 'booked' me to do someone I don't know again. *glares at Andrea* But at least for the end-of-year we have the time to decide what to do and to get the materials TOGETHER. I'm not letting Amanda sew her outfit in lining again. The horror.
Cosplay dilemna: The feb one is coming up with problems in itself like cost and timing, and if that's not enough, I have no idea on who to do. I can go bang myself against the wall now. I would choose not to go, but currently Andrea is forcing me to *glares again* and I still need to get my parent's approval, which I can only do when I can talk.
Signing off... ...
Friday, 14 January 2005
Happiness and frustrations.
CT: Vaguely know more people from my CT now, and can recognise a few faces... CT people aren't as 'scary' as I thought them to be, and not as nerdy (thank goodness) as I thought. Nice people, really. ^^ Currently OG placing and CT placing in my heart are still miiilllleeessss apart, though. OG 26 still rules. =P
Lectures: OMG, I bet you it's because of the late OG mass conversations... I'm feeling extremely sleepy during lectures... Not so much when I'm with my OG (since we talk amongst ourselves quite a lot) but during lessons like computing. Not only is it always the last lesson of the day, it's in an air-con room, and I dun really know anyone!! (Fine, I made a friend today there, but that's not the point) With no one to talk to, I always end up drawing smiley faces all over my paper, forming words. Doesn't help to keep me awake much... Gah. Maybe next time I'll drink coffee before computing lesson.
OG: Still having nightly chat sessions, and we're going for our 5th, or was it 6th?, outing tomorrow. =) BOWLING!!!! Heehee... Can't wait man. Sad thing is that I have to leave for class, again. Geez. Really happy though, I know some people who don't usually go for outings are going tomorrow. =) I didn't expect our OG to be able to see each other so much after the orientation, but... ^^ We end up sitting together during lectures, and eating together during breaks. Which is nice, and fun. But I know we can't keep going for outings... The OGLs need to study. Or start studying, for that matter. Which they aren't doing. I think we should start pressurising them to study soon...
Jeff: Jeff has been saying that he 'will do his work', but I don't think he has. He had a what, 3 h break today and he spent 1 hour eating (twice), 1 and a half hours sleeping, and the rest of the time doing nothing. *glares at Jeff* Maybe next time the OG shall force you to do your work. You must follow Dean! Be kiasu! Do your homework!! Ah gong, you have to start... err... taking brain stimulating pills or something... ... Forget it, I'm not making sense... -_-;;;;
Sam: I was going to LT 4 for China Studies, and guess who I saw when I was going in? Sam! With a bright red patch on the forehead. For a second I thought he injured himself or something... but then I realised that he had the red patch because he was sleeping during the lecture... ^^;;;; Lol. It was quite funny.
OMG, I'm nagging... Sorry, OGLs!!
Petanque: I went for Petanque yesterday. For the first half of the day, I decided to pronnounce it as pon-tang, and when I went for it in the late afternoon, I realised it was pronnounced as peh-thong. Which is just as funny. It's a french sport, with a french name, literally translated to 'bound feet' or something like that. And our teacher told us that the small rubber ball we use during the game is called a jet in english, but when literally translated from the original french name, is 'little piglet'. Weird. Anyway, I made this new hyper friend there, another Ithorian! =) Talked and lamed and crapped and laughed non-stop throughout the whole session, and was really fun. I think I'll join it.
Chess: Chess was extremely stressful, and bad for my health. The vice-president of the club is called 'Angeline', and is one of the best players. Like wow. If it wasn't bad enough, I'm the most lan player there, and she was sitting quite near me, with everyone calling her and praising her once every 3 mins or so. Thank you very much. I'm so not joining it man. Not that the people aren't nice, just that I feel very stressed there.
IT Club: Formally thought to be non-existent in the school, my hopes were dashed during the CCA bazaar when I went around searching for the booth. Then I was told that the IT Club was no more. I let it pass after some time, and decided to join other kinds of CCA (which I wasn't too happy about). Then yesterday, I went to the PE department to pass up my CT's cross-country form. There was this group in front of me and I waited with Li Min and Jeff (thanks for accompanying me, guys! ^^) not-so-patiently as I was running late for computing. After the group left, I waited for the teacher, and then she started to explain to me some stuff. I was asked to write my class on this list, and just as I was going to take a pen to write it, I saw the CCA group name that was before my class. Guess what it was. THE IT CLUB!!! AH! The dinosaur is not extinct!!! Okay, sorry. OMG, I wanted to kill something. N those guys were already gone, and I couldn't possibly run after them while the teacher was trying to explain the rules and stuff to me. Crap it man.
Signing off... ...
Lectures: OMG, I bet you it's because of the late OG mass conversations... I'm feeling extremely sleepy during lectures... Not so much when I'm with my OG (since we talk amongst ourselves quite a lot) but during lessons like computing. Not only is it always the last lesson of the day, it's in an air-con room, and I dun really know anyone!! (Fine, I made a friend today there, but that's not the point) With no one to talk to, I always end up drawing smiley faces all over my paper, forming words. Doesn't help to keep me awake much... Gah. Maybe next time I'll drink coffee before computing lesson.
OG: Still having nightly chat sessions, and we're going for our 5th, or was it 6th?, outing tomorrow. =) BOWLING!!!! Heehee... Can't wait man. Sad thing is that I have to leave for class, again. Geez. Really happy though, I know some people who don't usually go for outings are going tomorrow. =) I didn't expect our OG to be able to see each other so much after the orientation, but... ^^ We end up sitting together during lectures, and eating together during breaks. Which is nice, and fun. But I know we can't keep going for outings... The OGLs need to study. Or start studying, for that matter. Which they aren't doing. I think we should start pressurising them to study soon...
Jeff: Jeff has been saying that he 'will do his work', but I don't think he has. He had a what, 3 h break today and he spent 1 hour eating (twice), 1 and a half hours sleeping, and the rest of the time doing nothing. *glares at Jeff* Maybe next time the OG shall force you to do your work. You must follow Dean! Be kiasu! Do your homework!! Ah gong, you have to start... err... taking brain stimulating pills or something... ... Forget it, I'm not making sense... -_-;;;;
Sam: I was going to LT 4 for China Studies, and guess who I saw when I was going in? Sam! With a bright red patch on the forehead. For a second I thought he injured himself or something... but then I realised that he had the red patch because he was sleeping during the lecture... ^^;;;; Lol. It was quite funny.
OMG, I'm nagging... Sorry, OGLs!!
Petanque: I went for Petanque yesterday. For the first half of the day, I decided to pronnounce it as pon-tang, and when I went for it in the late afternoon, I realised it was pronnounced as peh-thong. Which is just as funny. It's a french sport, with a french name, literally translated to 'bound feet' or something like that. And our teacher told us that the small rubber ball we use during the game is called a jet in english, but when literally translated from the original french name, is 'little piglet'. Weird. Anyway, I made this new hyper friend there, another Ithorian! =) Talked and lamed and crapped and laughed non-stop throughout the whole session, and was really fun. I think I'll join it.
Chess: Chess was extremely stressful, and bad for my health. The vice-president of the club is called 'Angeline', and is one of the best players. Like wow. If it wasn't bad enough, I'm the most lan player there, and she was sitting quite near me, with everyone calling her and praising her once every 3 mins or so. Thank you very much. I'm so not joining it man. Not that the people aren't nice, just that I feel very stressed there.
IT Club: Formally thought to be non-existent in the school, my hopes were dashed during the CCA bazaar when I went around searching for the booth. Then I was told that the IT Club was no more. I let it pass after some time, and decided to join other kinds of CCA (which I wasn't too happy about). Then yesterday, I went to the PE department to pass up my CT's cross-country form. There was this group in front of me and I waited with Li Min and Jeff (thanks for accompanying me, guys! ^^) not-so-patiently as I was running late for computing. After the group left, I waited for the teacher, and then she started to explain to me some stuff. I was asked to write my class on this list, and just as I was going to take a pen to write it, I saw the CCA group name that was before my class. Guess what it was. THE IT CLUB!!! AH! The dinosaur is not extinct!!! Okay, sorry. OMG, I wanted to kill something. N those guys were already gone, and I couldn't possibly run after them while the teacher was trying to explain the rules and stuff to me. Crap it man.
Signing off... ...
Tuesday, 11 January 2005
Okay... so I realised that I've been rambling for the first 1 and a half posts... Sorry 'manda! I know you hate rambles. I'll try to organise my posts better now...
Lectures: Yeah! Lectures have finally started for me! Nothing heavy on the first day, thank goodness... GP was all right, though the talk before that bored me. I was already nodding off 5 mins into the talk. Physics and F-math were quite good. The teachers were lame. But F-math kind of got me irritated 'cause the teacher started zooming like a speedbullet the moment the teaching started. Wonder why he didn't do that during the introduction... Bah. And then I forgot my special angles which I learnt about for O levels... I kept buggering Li Min, who was sitting next to me, about the special angles, since she could remember everything... ^^;;; Poor girl.
Computing: I thought I was on time, since I rushed to the venue right after the talk with the PE teacher (Gurmit Singh) but apparently I was late. Didn't get scolded, and more people strolled in 5 mins after I settled down. On the whole the lecture was pretty okay, except for the noise this bunch of stupid irritating guys sitting behind me made... Even if they know most of it, can't they just SHUT UP!! Geez. Wonder where their manners went to.
CT and OG: I talked a little to this two other girls in my CT, but not for long... One was Meiling and the other was Pei Yu or something... Osiris and Zelda respectively. Darn. No Ithorians. Meiling and I were walking together after GP to the canteen, but after I saw my OG sitting at one of the tables, I kind of left her... by telling her to find her OG... ... Whoops? Sorry Meiling!! I wasn't chasing you away or anything like that! It just came out... wrong.
Next OG outing: Nothing decided. Li Min wants to go jogging (which I violently protest against) and Jeff seems to keep talking about having steamboat... I have this odd feeling that we might be deciding it very last minute, again.
Signing off... ...
Lectures: Yeah! Lectures have finally started for me! Nothing heavy on the first day, thank goodness... GP was all right, though the talk before that bored me. I was already nodding off 5 mins into the talk. Physics and F-math were quite good. The teachers were lame. But F-math kind of got me irritated 'cause the teacher started zooming like a speedbullet the moment the teaching started. Wonder why he didn't do that during the introduction... Bah. And then I forgot my special angles which I learnt about for O levels... I kept buggering Li Min, who was sitting next to me, about the special angles, since she could remember everything... ^^;;; Poor girl.
Computing: I thought I was on time, since I rushed to the venue right after the talk with the PE teacher (Gurmit Singh) but apparently I was late. Didn't get scolded, and more people strolled in 5 mins after I settled down. On the whole the lecture was pretty okay, except for the noise this bunch of stupid irritating guys sitting behind me made... Even if they know most of it, can't they just SHUT UP!! Geez. Wonder where their manners went to.
CT and OG: I talked a little to this two other girls in my CT, but not for long... One was Meiling and the other was Pei Yu or something... Osiris and Zelda respectively. Darn. No Ithorians. Meiling and I were walking together after GP to the canteen, but after I saw my OG sitting at one of the tables, I kind of left her... by telling her to find her OG... ... Whoops? Sorry Meiling!! I wasn't chasing you away or anything like that! It just came out... wrong.
Next OG outing: Nothing decided. Li Min wants to go jogging (which I violently protest against) and Jeff seems to keep talking about having steamboat... I have this odd feeling that we might be deciding it very last minute, again.
Signing off... ...
Monday, 10 January 2005
3rd OG outing
2nd entry. This should be much shorter than the previous one, since it's only one day... ^^
Let's see... Last night our OG members chatted until around 11pm. From about 8pm till the time we went offline, the most frequently asked qn was: "So where are we going tomorrow?" or "So tomorrow how?" But everytime the question was asked, the topic strayed. I think the longest we stayed on the topic was 30 seconds. The shortest was zero seconds. I just said "Tomorrow's outing haven't decided yet!" and I was effectively ignored. ^^;;; At the end of it, we decided on nothing.
So, I went to school this morning and sat through the principal's talk without falling asleep (though I was highly tempted to). Thankfully it only lasted about an hour. For the whole day, I attended no lectures (because i didn't have any) and waited for our OG outing. I sat in the canteen, walked around the school, walked through the library with a group of our OG members, and Meng Yeow gave us a short tour of one of the blocks. After that, everyone disappeared for the econs lecture (which I decided not to sit through because it was 2h long) and Kevin and I went to the library. I went to the toilet for a while and came back to find him sleeping on the table. I spent half an hour there reading an Adobe Photoshop 6.0 book (which was quite interesting) and we made our way back to the canteen where we waited for Jeff so that we could go for the OG outing. It's more interesting than it sounds. Really.
OG outing: It was... interesting. 9 of us squeezed into a neoprint machine again and took a neoprint, before going to Yoshinoya to eat and kapo their straws. Sam taught us how to fold a heart with 2 straws and for the rest of the day everyone could be seen fiddling with the straws, trying their best to complete a heart which they ended up throwing away anyway. People like Meng Yeow and Chuanchen went to KFC to steal more straws after we ran out of them.
Li Min: For the whole day, Li Min's eyes caught nothing but food. When she was reading 'Today', I think at least 4 or 5 food advertisements caught her attention. Then on the bus ride to Heartland Mall, she kept looking at food shops like macs and steak shops, which only resulted in many people thinking that she ate a lot.
Tmr: Tomorrow my lectures will start. They should be either be extremely boring or interesting. Hopefully my lecturers wont make me fall asleep. Either way, I look forward to it, so I can see my OG again. ;) I repeat again: I LOVE MY OG!!! ^^
Friends: Haven't been in much contact with most of my ex-schoolmates. Too busy with orientation and OG outings. Heh. Not that I'm complaining, of course. I'll have to start calling everyone soon... sighz. The price we pay for our social life...
(Wah. Got to do something about my blog soon. It looks so boring...)
Signing off... ...
2nd entry. This should be much shorter than the previous one, since it's only one day... ^^
Let's see... Last night our OG members chatted until around 11pm. From about 8pm till the time we went offline, the most frequently asked qn was: "So where are we going tomorrow?" or "So tomorrow how?" But everytime the question was asked, the topic strayed. I think the longest we stayed on the topic was 30 seconds. The shortest was zero seconds. I just said "Tomorrow's outing haven't decided yet!" and I was effectively ignored. ^^;;; At the end of it, we decided on nothing.
So, I went to school this morning and sat through the principal's talk without falling asleep (though I was highly tempted to). Thankfully it only lasted about an hour. For the whole day, I attended no lectures (because i didn't have any) and waited for our OG outing. I sat in the canteen, walked around the school, walked through the library with a group of our OG members, and Meng Yeow gave us a short tour of one of the blocks. After that, everyone disappeared for the econs lecture (which I decided not to sit through because it was 2h long) and Kevin and I went to the library. I went to the toilet for a while and came back to find him sleeping on the table. I spent half an hour there reading an Adobe Photoshop 6.0 book (which was quite interesting) and we made our way back to the canteen where we waited for Jeff so that we could go for the OG outing. It's more interesting than it sounds. Really.
OG outing: It was... interesting. 9 of us squeezed into a neoprint machine again and took a neoprint, before going to Yoshinoya to eat and kapo their straws. Sam taught us how to fold a heart with 2 straws and for the rest of the day everyone could be seen fiddling with the straws, trying their best to complete a heart which they ended up throwing away anyway. People like Meng Yeow and Chuanchen went to KFC to steal more straws after we ran out of them.
Li Min: For the whole day, Li Min's eyes caught nothing but food. When she was reading 'Today', I think at least 4 or 5 food advertisements caught her attention. Then on the bus ride to Heartland Mall, she kept looking at food shops like macs and steak shops, which only resulted in many people thinking that she ate a lot.
Tmr: Tomorrow my lectures will start. They should be either be extremely boring or interesting. Hopefully my lecturers wont make me fall asleep. Either way, I look forward to it, so I can see my OG again. ;) I repeat again: I LOVE MY OG!!! ^^
Friends: Haven't been in much contact with most of my ex-schoolmates. Too busy with orientation and OG outings. Heh. Not that I'm complaining, of course. I'll have to start calling everyone soon... sighz. The price we pay for our social life...
(Wah. Got to do something about my blog soon. It looks so boring...)
Signing off... ...
Sunday, 9 January 2005
(OMG, I wanna kill my comp. I typed for an hour + and everything deleted itself. Now I've got to re-type my entry.)
My first blog and my first ever entry. Never ever thought I'd get one... Why did I get this then? That's my OG's fault.
Heh. On to my long entry about the past week.
After a month of working during the holidays, getting poorer and richer, I get ONE day of rest and school starts. Needless to say, I left the house on the 3rd wishing that school hadn't started so soon. Fortunately, the day didn't turn out as bad as I thought it would -- excluding the stupid talks we had to sit through where we ended up with nothing less than a sore butt. The icebreakers were okay... but the ice wasn't really breaking yet. It didn't until a few days later.
One of my OGLs called me the day before, and it was quite funny. I didn't know how to get to school, and he told me quite a lot of ways on how to get there, which left me more confused then I had been before. I had no idea why, but on the phone I thought he sounded like a nerd (no offense Jeff!), but I was proved wrong when we interacted with our OGLs on the first day.
The first 2 friends I made were the ones that sat next to me in the hall for the first time. The one on my left was Imelda -- though I didn't see her after the 3rd day, and the one on my right -- Rachel, who is rather 'dao' when you first see her, fun and nice on a normal day, and rather crazy when you see her unwind (which our OG found out during disco night). And she sleeps easily during lectures, as do all of us.
I felt that the games were fun too, and the cheering involved as well. I think the SC's hard work paid off, at least in my opinion. I enjoyed myself in all the games. I thought that it would have been a horrifying experience where they make you dunk your face in flour and fish for something, or something like my friend's orientation, where they had to pass an orange with their mouth. Eewww... Can you imagine biting something everyone else had bitten and passing it on? I hope they didn't re-use the orange.
On the last day of orientation I got myself a pretty large blue-black on my left knee after falling on it 3 times during the game where we had to run and take the opponent's balls from their territory and run back to put it in our own territory. Sounds simple enough? Not when you have to squat almost immediately when the defender taps you on the shoulder and you're running at top speed. Not to mention how easy it is to bang into someone or trip over others. The girls' side was okay though.I heard that the guys were pretty violent and someone slammed into the window pane or something. Ouch.
Then there was 'The quest'. That was fun. We cheated a little, and our whole OG entered the cathedral to look for answers when only 3 people were allowed to. By accident of course. Our OGLs were really great then too. They helped us to look for answers and let us eat macs for lunch (since we were late anyway) before returning to school.
Talking about my OGLs, we gave them nicknames! ^^ Sam's our Ah pa, Jeff's our Ah gong and WX's our Ah ma. Rachel thinks that Sam looks like a hamster, and I think he looks like a really cute beaver (like those you see in cartoons). Not that he doesn't look like a hamster. ^^;; No offense Sam!! I'd take that as a compliment. It just means that you look cute. ;)
Then there were the dancing sessions. My dance partner was the 'Uncle' in the OG - Chuanchen. We were both just as blur in the beginning, and when we learned the trad dance, I always ended up in the guy's place and he in the girl's place after the waltz. Which was funny. And somehow or another I ended up kicking Kevin (who was in front of me) like 3 times on one of the days while I was dancing. Sorry Kevin!!
All in all, the dances were great fun and I enjoyed myself a lot. The bad thing about it was that after the first day we started learning the dances, the songs got stuck in my head (and they still are).
I went home searching for the song "Summer Sunshine" and after a few hours of searching, gave up because all the sites I went to either no longer had the song, had the short (6sec) midi version of it, or expected me to pay for downloading the song. Thankfully, I found that 2 people in my OG had the song, so I bugged them to send it to me.
On the fourth day, our OG went out for dinner at macs (again) where we ate and talked a lot of crap. Chuanchen, Bei Jia, Meng Yeow, Sam and Shu Xian (was it?) told lots of lame jokes and made us all laugh. Jeff's side of the table seemed to lag. They took quite some time to get the joke, and more than once the joke was lost. But that in itself was fun. ^^;; Maybe they need to get themselves broadband or something, then they wouldn't lag so much. ... Okay, sorry. Lame. The only bad thing about the dinner was that after a few hours, I think I had no blood circulation or something and my asthma acted up, and I had to puff halfway through. Bummer. I couldn't absorb quite a few jokes after that.
After dinner and crapping, 9 of us squeezed into a neoprint machine and took neoprints. As a result, Chuanchen and Kevin's faces were cut off in most, if not all, the pictures.
On Saturday, we had another OG outing. Kevin was the first to arrive, followed by me, and then Chun Boon (if I'm not wrong), who disappeared off to the toilet soon after arriving, and led Li Min, Kevin and I to believe that he got stuck in the toilet bowl when he didn't return after 10 mins. Then we sat at macs (again) to wait for the latecomers, and I swear if I see another macs I'll go nuts. Thank goodness we didn't eat there for lunch. We ate at the food court instead.
After lunch, we went to play pool. I was playing it for the first time and I thought it was really fun. My first game was played with Jeff and Dean, and Dean kept hitting the ball with his stick while he was aiming. Jeff and I allowed him to try again, but Shu Xian and Camille didn't let him off that easily when he played with them later.
After playing pool I had to leave, sadly, because I had jap class. I wanted to join them after class but my mum said that I had to collect my specs that night. Wouldn't have been able to join them anyway. By the time my class ended, they were eating dinner and preparing to go home. Gah.
Normal lectures are going to start tomorrow, and I couldn't understand the timetable yesterday. I had to bug Jeff online last night, and WX this morning on how to read it. In fact, I think I still don't get certain portions of it. Argh. Hopefully I can find someone to explain it to me tomorrow morning.
Anyway, I just wanted to say that I LOVE OG 26!!! And the OGLs too!!! ^^ I'm going to miss everyone when lectures start... Hopefully we can go out again for bowling or something. ^^
Signing off..........
My first blog and my first ever entry. Never ever thought I'd get one... Why did I get this then? That's my OG's fault.
Heh. On to my long entry about the past week.
After a month of working during the holidays, getting poorer and richer, I get ONE day of rest and school starts. Needless to say, I left the house on the 3rd wishing that school hadn't started so soon. Fortunately, the day didn't turn out as bad as I thought it would -- excluding the stupid talks we had to sit through where we ended up with nothing less than a sore butt. The icebreakers were okay... but the ice wasn't really breaking yet. It didn't until a few days later.
One of my OGLs called me the day before, and it was quite funny. I didn't know how to get to school, and he told me quite a lot of ways on how to get there, which left me more confused then I had been before. I had no idea why, but on the phone I thought he sounded like a nerd (no offense Jeff!), but I was proved wrong when we interacted with our OGLs on the first day.
The first 2 friends I made were the ones that sat next to me in the hall for the first time. The one on my left was Imelda -- though I didn't see her after the 3rd day, and the one on my right -- Rachel, who is rather 'dao' when you first see her, fun and nice on a normal day, and rather crazy when you see her unwind (which our OG found out during disco night). And she sleeps easily during lectures, as do all of us.
I felt that the games were fun too, and the cheering involved as well. I think the SC's hard work paid off, at least in my opinion. I enjoyed myself in all the games. I thought that it would have been a horrifying experience where they make you dunk your face in flour and fish for something, or something like my friend's orientation, where they had to pass an orange with their mouth. Eewww... Can you imagine biting something everyone else had bitten and passing it on? I hope they didn't re-use the orange.
On the last day of orientation I got myself a pretty large blue-black on my left knee after falling on it 3 times during the game where we had to run and take the opponent's balls from their territory and run back to put it in our own territory. Sounds simple enough? Not when you have to squat almost immediately when the defender taps you on the shoulder and you're running at top speed. Not to mention how easy it is to bang into someone or trip over others. The girls' side was okay though.I heard that the guys were pretty violent and someone slammed into the window pane or something. Ouch.
Then there was 'The quest'. That was fun. We cheated a little, and our whole OG entered the cathedral to look for answers when only 3 people were allowed to. By accident of course. Our OGLs were really great then too. They helped us to look for answers and let us eat macs for lunch (since we were late anyway) before returning to school.
Talking about my OGLs, we gave them nicknames! ^^ Sam's our Ah pa, Jeff's our Ah gong and WX's our Ah ma. Rachel thinks that Sam looks like a hamster, and I think he looks like a really cute beaver (like those you see in cartoons). Not that he doesn't look like a hamster. ^^;; No offense Sam!! I'd take that as a compliment. It just means that you look cute. ;)
Then there were the dancing sessions. My dance partner was the 'Uncle' in the OG - Chuanchen. We were both just as blur in the beginning, and when we learned the trad dance, I always ended up in the guy's place and he in the girl's place after the waltz. Which was funny. And somehow or another I ended up kicking Kevin (who was in front of me) like 3 times on one of the days while I was dancing. Sorry Kevin!!
All in all, the dances were great fun and I enjoyed myself a lot. The bad thing about it was that after the first day we started learning the dances, the songs got stuck in my head (and they still are).
I went home searching for the song "Summer Sunshine" and after a few hours of searching, gave up because all the sites I went to either no longer had the song, had the short (6sec) midi version of it, or expected me to pay for downloading the song. Thankfully, I found that 2 people in my OG had the song, so I bugged them to send it to me.
On the fourth day, our OG went out for dinner at macs (again) where we ate and talked a lot of crap. Chuanchen, Bei Jia, Meng Yeow, Sam and Shu Xian (was it?) told lots of lame jokes and made us all laugh. Jeff's side of the table seemed to lag. They took quite some time to get the joke, and more than once the joke was lost. But that in itself was fun. ^^;; Maybe they need to get themselves broadband or something, then they wouldn't lag so much. ... Okay, sorry. Lame. The only bad thing about the dinner was that after a few hours, I think I had no blood circulation or something and my asthma acted up, and I had to puff halfway through. Bummer. I couldn't absorb quite a few jokes after that.
After dinner and crapping, 9 of us squeezed into a neoprint machine and took neoprints. As a result, Chuanchen and Kevin's faces were cut off in most, if not all, the pictures.
On Saturday, we had another OG outing. Kevin was the first to arrive, followed by me, and then Chun Boon (if I'm not wrong), who disappeared off to the toilet soon after arriving, and led Li Min, Kevin and I to believe that he got stuck in the toilet bowl when he didn't return after 10 mins. Then we sat at macs (again) to wait for the latecomers, and I swear if I see another macs I'll go nuts. Thank goodness we didn't eat there for lunch. We ate at the food court instead.
After lunch, we went to play pool. I was playing it for the first time and I thought it was really fun. My first game was played with Jeff and Dean, and Dean kept hitting the ball with his stick while he was aiming. Jeff and I allowed him to try again, but Shu Xian and Camille didn't let him off that easily when he played with them later.
After playing pool I had to leave, sadly, because I had jap class. I wanted to join them after class but my mum said that I had to collect my specs that night. Wouldn't have been able to join them anyway. By the time my class ended, they were eating dinner and preparing to go home. Gah.
Normal lectures are going to start tomorrow, and I couldn't understand the timetable yesterday. I had to bug Jeff online last night, and WX this morning on how to read it. In fact, I think I still don't get certain portions of it. Argh. Hopefully I can find someone to explain it to me tomorrow morning.
Anyway, I just wanted to say that I LOVE OG 26!!! And the OGLs too!!! ^^ I'm going to miss everyone when lectures start... Hopefully we can go out again for bowling or something. ^^
Signing off..........
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